Search: Ray DiLorenzo

Murder By Government

Photo: German police shooting Jewish women who remain alive after execution – 1942 “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Yes, war is hell, but government without restraint, murder by government, can be more hellish than any…

We are at War! A Class War

We are at war! And the first casualty is always truth, truth as to what is going on. This war is global. It is not conventional, but it will be the deadliest war in human history. It is a declared war on the middle class, but the middle-class is not…

Democrats Cancel Duty, Honor, Country

While the Pentagon has approved gender reassignment surgery for active-duty personnel, Communist China is planning to invade Taiwan. While Iran resumes nuclear enrichment, our troops are getting diversity training The Democrat’s cancel culture has reached our revered institution, the military. After the 2016 election, the Democrats made a covenant with…

Communist Revolution in America

If you were a fervent America-hating Marxist living in the United States, what would you do with a nation that is rich, powerful, and highly successful? What do you do with a nation that has religious freedom, is basically a moral country, respectful of law and order with the Judeo-Christian…

Bed, Bath & Beyond The Election

President Trump has a simple view of things. He sees nothing complicated or indecisive about maintaining America as the greatest nation on earth, and to be a stone in the shoe of any nation or individual wanting to relegate the United States to existence as only a chapter in a…

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