Articles by CCNS Members

Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapon Use in War – Is It Accelerating?

Ukraine and Russia have violated the ban on chemical weapon use in war, but has Ukraine gone a step further?   Both Ukraine and Russia signed and ratified the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Article I (5) of the Convention states: “Each State Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as…


Elected Positions at State and County Levels of Government: Violations of Oath and Criminal Negligence 

Why are Governors, Mayors, and District Attorneys above the law regarding criminal negligence, fostering criminal activity, and violating their oath of office? Why are they not removed from office? We cannot wait for new elections to solve the increased criminal activities in our cities throughout the country. Once citizens witness…


How a CCP Operation Ensnared the US Government: How HHS became compromised during the COVID Crisis

This column was originally published as a guest column on Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack As described in my earlier guest essay for this Substack, “Long history of China’s CCP and Biowarfare”, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has a long history involving development of its…


China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

Mosquitos as bioweapon delivery platforms: The imminent danger posed by China’s fused military-civilian research program   China has a history of recklessness in its use of genetic engineering and the handling of dangerous microorganisms. In a Planet of the Apes, life imitating art scenario, in 2019, Chinese scientists inserted human brain development…


Is China’s military making COVID-19 variants?

The once prestigious, but now politically-contaminated science journal Nature, lauded Yunlong Cao as one of its top 10 scientists, “who helped shape science in 2022.” Nature described Yunlong Cao as a “COVID predictor,” whose ”rich characterizations of emerging variants have allowed researchers to keep step with SARS-CoV-2 as it evolves,” particularly mutations related to evading or…


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