Author page: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.)

To Restore the American Constitutional Republic, the American Oligarchy Must Be Overthrown

Yes, continue to vote, but do not expect the predicted electoral “red wave” of Congressional Republicans to change the status quo in Washington D.C. The Republican Party, led by Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy, remains tightly in the grip of the oligarchy, which in…


Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous

There is no longer science-based medicine in the United States. Medicines are primarily produced and promoted by a public-private partnership between federal bureaucrats and Big Pharma to enhance government power and amass personal profit. Curing disease is a secondary consideration. In fact, prolonging disease is more profitable. The Daily Clout…


It’s Time to Walk Away from a Hopelessly Corrupt Federal Government that Facilitates Biden’s Destruction of America

Historically, all “revolutions” arise from societal disruption, chaos, if you will. Case in point is the rise of Nazism. In the 1928 German elections, the Nazis received 2.6% of the vote. In 1930, a year after the 1929 Wall Street crash, the Nazis received 18.3% of the vote. By November…


The University of Pennsylvania’s China Connections and the Alleged Attempted Assassination of Chinese Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan

The University of Pennsylvania’s China connections and the alleged attempted assassination of Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan According to Peter Schweizer, author of “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” the Chinese Communist Party undermines the United States through a strategy Beijing calls “elite capture, whereby, American business, political and…


COVID-19 is Caused by a Modified Respiratory Coronavirus, Not by Isolated Synthesized Snake Peptides or Proteins

Follow up: COVID-19 is caused by a modified respiratory coronavirus, not by isolated synthesized snake peptides or proteins being administered to people. At the 33:16 mark of the April 11, 2022 video interview, entitled “Watch the Water,” former chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis says: “I am convinced that COVID-19 is not a…


The Democrat Party’s Jump to Socialism Is Fueling Their Destruction of America

Like a disease, quarantine the Democrat Party in its own dystopic enclaves Decades ago, the United States stopped producing Americans, replacing them with “U.S. citizens,” who could exploit the country’s economic benefits without embracing its founding documents, culture, history and traditions. One such example is Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, an…


Are the Ukrainian Biolabs Another US Military-Industrial-Complex Money Scam Involving the Bidens or Biowarfare Facilities or Both?

The Dark Secrets Surrounding the U.S.-Funded Ukrainian Biolabs The new allegations made by Russia that Ukraine had plans, using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) containing bioweapons developed in Department of Defense-funded biolabs, to disperse those agents on the Russian-populated Donbas region of Ukraine and Russia itself, are purely speculative being based on two…


Level-Setting the Ukraine Biolab Controversy

Over the last day, the Gateway Pundit has published several informative articles related to the controversy surrounding a number of Ukrainian microbiological laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, see here, here, here, here and here. Unfortunately, the facts concerning the laboratories in question have been obscured by propaganda from the United States, Russia, China…


A “Winter War” Solution to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

It is always a risky proposition to identify historical analogies or recommend solutions during an ongoing crisis because conditions can change quickly in unexpected directions. Nevertheless, the Russian invasion of Ukraine bears some striking similarities to the Russian, then the Soviet Union, invasion of Finland, which precipitated the 1939-1940 Winter…


The Laboratory Origin of COVID-19 and the Ongoing Cover-up of its Origin, the Structure of China’s Biowarfare Program and China’s Massive Infiltration of U.S. Virus Laboratories

This article is from Lawrence Sellin’s Newsletter in Substack Executive Summary SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 disease and pandemic, was made in a laboratory in China as part of its biowarfare program. After two years from the start of the pandemic, no natural source of SARS-CoV-2 has been…


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