Historically, all “revolutions” arise from societal disruption, chaos, if you will.

Case in point is the rise of Nazism.

In the 1928 German elections, the Nazis received 2.6% of the vote. In 1930, a year after the 1929 Wall Street crash, the Nazis received 18.3% of the vote. By November 1932, at the height of the Great Depression, the Nazis were the dominant party with 33.1% of the vote.

What we are now witnessing in the U.S. is planned chaos to lay the foundation for “revolution.”

That is, the Biden regime wishes to impose a global one-party totalitarian state, a retrograde hybrid governance model combining the most tyrannical aspects of the Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum, in which there are no nations, but only land and people to exploit.

It is Neo-Feudalism, a world of lords and serfs.

It is possible because the American ruling class no longer identifies with the American people, but with other global elites.

In my December 2013 article “A Government Separated from the People Cannot Stand,” I described what many Americans now recognize, that the United States has become a Totalitarian Democracy, one step short of Neo-Feudalism.

The federal government is an entity unto itself operating outside of Constitutional constraints and unaccountable to the American people.

It is a system in which “elected” representatives rule a nation state whose citizens, although granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of government.

Power rests with a relatively small group of politicians and financiers, who enhance their personal wealth and privilege by looting the country through a self-serving legislative process. They maintain their authority by adjusting the levers of government and using the media to manipulate public perception and opinion.

There is now a sharp division between the bipartisan ruling class and the rest of the American populace, the “deplorables,” who are considered retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly controlled by the dictates of a central authority.

When blatant and outrageous lies are no longer sufficient to soothe the electorate into complacency, such a government must begin to curtail freedom and oppress the people in order to remain in power.

Using the false excuse of fighting “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy,” the Biden regime has turned the U.S. security state against the American people and stripped citizens of their constitutional rights.

That is, the U.S. federal government has de facto seceded from the American People.

Already in 2014, pollster Pat Caddell noted the alienation of the American people from the federal government:

“Eighty-six percent of all voters believe political leaders are more interested in protecting their power than in doing what’s right for the American people. Eighty-three percent believe the country is run by an alliance of incumbent politicians, media pundits, lobbyists, and other interests for their own gain. Further, 79% believe that powerful interests from Wall Street banks to corporations, unions, and PACs use campaign and lobbying money to rig the system to serve themselves and that they loot the national treasury at the expense of every American. … Ninety-two percent say we must recruit and support for public office more ordinary citizens and fewer professional politicians. Not surprising when you consider that 81% believe both political parties do what’s in it for them rather than fix our nation’s problems.”

It was neither conservatism nor liberalism or Vladimir Putin, but that widespread alienation which launched Donald Trump into the presidency in 2016.

The stolen 2020 election and the deliberately destructive policies of the Biden regime have only increased the alienation of the American people from Washington D.C.

Angelo Cordevilla correctly observed in his article “American Exodus:”

“The deplorables plainly stand no chance of dismantling the new American system. Corporate executives, not legislatures, governors, or presidents are the ones who decide what happens to the trillions of dollars created jointly by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. They are the ones who regulate speech and attitudes, who for the most part decide who rises and who does not. And they are the part of the oligarchy most insulated from republican institutions.”

According to Cordevilla, the solution is, “Don’t wait for the oligarchy to let you in. Just walk away.”

It means, not just separating ourselves from the destructive policies of a corrupt, Biden-led federal government, but separating ourselves from the institutions that sustain it; the Democrat and Republican parties, the media, Big Tech, government schools, and corporations that exercise public powers with private discretion.

It means more vigorous application of the 10th Amendment, which states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

We can begin the process of liberation by refusing to participate in the charade that Joe Biden is the legitimate President of the United States.

As Founding Father John Adams wrote:

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

We need to start walking away now because we no longer have the luxury of time, waiting for salvation from another potentially rigged election and depending on feckless politicians, who abuse their power and ignore the needs of their constituents.

This column was originally published at the Gateway Pundit

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