Search: Ray DiLorenzo

Why is Trump So Misunderstood?

For those who are unaware, Donald Trump grew up in Queens, NY, one of the boroughs of New York City. There are five: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens. Most of the attention goes to Manhattan, the land of the high rise, the Empire State Building, St. Patrick’s…

Why our country is a mess

Yes, our country is a mess. How did we get here? Was it incompetence or intentional? Eight years of Obama and almost four years of Biden have been devastating to our country. The Democrat Party and their Republican toadies, aka RINOS, have taken our country down a road we have…

A Silly People

They have purchased a myriad of hoaxes, manufactured pandemics, climate change nonsense, election fraud, and economic calamities to put the masses in fear   As long as the Arabs [or Americans] fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel.”…

Beyond Treason: Elections Have Consequences

Shortly after Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the new chief executive made one of the only memorable, though unoriginal, statements of his outwardly unremarkable presidency. ”Elections have consequences.” It was a statement meant to tell Republicans, ‘You lost, I won. I get to do things my way.’ You could almost add to…

The Left Shows Who They Are

It has become clear that the Democrat Party, which represents the Left, has declared itself to be antisemitic. Much official lip service has been given to their support for Israel, but there’s no hiding it. The support for Hamas, a world-class terror organization, has been massive within their ranks. Indeed,…

Roots of War in ‘Palestine’

President Trump was well on his way to achieving peace in the Middle East until the 2020 elections. Anyone with any amount of common sense can see our country, and much of the world is now embroiled in chaos and instability “What can men do against such reckless hate?” —Théoden…

Invisible Treason In America

I had the distinct privilege of being a co-author of an important new book. It’s called ‘Invisible Treason in America.’ It has been exhaustively researched by Generals Vallely and McInerney, Mary Fanning, a great investigative reporter, John Trudel, and yours truly. To quote Star Trek, “We will go where no one…

War Is Upon You

People living in modern civilization—especially in the West—play by the rules, live within their means, love their families, and cherish their children’s future. We get up in the morning, go to our jobs, or to our tasks, not thinking about any threats that may be formulating to destroy our lives.…

No (Straight) Line In The Sand

The Left is always babbling about their ‘values,’ their superior moral principles. Their pomposity can be seen everywhere in government, certainly in academic circles, and in the media, especially in front of a camera. Many people who know Hillary Clinton have written that she actually morphs when any camera is…

The Traitor Class

The anguish that I feel having to stare at my computer screen to begin another article is getting too familiar. I feel like I’m expected to write another Twilight Zone script, not believing anything I write. But, I go on. I write what I see, and it’s not pretty. What…

It’s Not About Politics

Too many people still believe what we see on the news is politics as usual. It is not. Politics departed long ago. What we are witnessing, what we see demonstrated everyday, is good vs. evil. It certainly isn’t liberalism or even what they like to call ‘progressivism’. There is nothing…

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