
The Urban Center the Left Wants to Ignore

Yesterday, I wrote a piece about how the progressive socialist left “cherry-picks” tragedies. To demonstrate, below you will find a brief analysis of what happened — again — in Chicago this past weekend. We all grieve for any and all loss of innocent life. Sadly, there are those who only…

Blind Hate Drives Campaign to Fire Jake Tapper

If Saturday’s horrifying terrorist attack in an El Paso Walmart had taken place in Jerusalem, leaving 22 Israelis dead, the killer would rot in jail knowing his family would be taken care of, paid every month by his government. He might one day have a park, or a school, or a street named in his honor.…

Borders Work: A Fact-Finding Trip to Israel

The Center’s Vice President for Research and Analysis, Clare M. Lopez, traveled to Israel in late May-early June 2019 on a fact-finding trip with Tom Trento and the United West team, guided in-country by Roni Wexler and Heritage Tours. With a theme of ‘Borders and How Security is Done,’ the…

Why I Am Not Celebrating the Mueller Hearings

I am certainly no stranger to the far end of a limb, but this time, I am really out there. I watched the Mueller hearings and despaired. I saw the Original Sin of Trump–Russia—that “Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC),” shaped by time and “messaging” into “Russian interference in 2016…

Serious Questions for “The Squad”

There is such a disturbing assault against our border patrol and ICE agents in America, thanks to the progressive socialist left. Even in Washington, DC, ICE employees face protesters blocking their ability to enter their workplace. The left is calling for the abolishment of ICE and is praising a deranged Antifa member…

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