Search: Allen West

Is Health Care a Right?

Recently, a federal judge ruled that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ACT (PPACA), also known as Obamacare, is unconstitutional. Of course, there are the usual suspects who are expressing their angst. However, a simple lesson in civics would evidence their blatant incompetence. First, let’s go back to when sitting…

What Is Asylum?

There are some who still deny that we have a crisis on our southern border. That is delusional. There are those who tend to assert that the numbers of people seeking illegal entry into the United States is negligible. Some have even attempted to make light of the situation, such…

Happy Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving approaches, I just wanted to give thanks to the friends and supporters of the Citizens Commission on National Security (CCNS). And to wish all of you a very peaceful, loving Thanksgiving holiday shared with friends and family. We, the CCNS, have just gotten started, and are planning to…

Constitutional Conservatism on Trial

Imagine we are in a court of law, that we have gone through a lengthy trial, and it is now time for closing arguments. On one side we have the plaintiff, progressive socialism, and on the other side there is the defendant, constitutional conservatism. Progressive socialism has brought a lawsuit…

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