Guest Columns

Jordan’s Volatility Alerts the USA to Middle East Reality

Jordan’s domestic vulnerability Jordan’s domestic upheaval involved some Arab countries, members of the royal Jordanian family and other prominent Bedouins, who were arrested and charged with an attempted regime change. A regime-change in Jordan could transform the strategically-located country – between Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Israel – into another…


Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: Covid-19, hacked elections, and vaccines combine for ‘hybrid warfare’ against America [interview]

What do Covid-19, the 2020 elections, and the rise of vaccines have to do with one another? According to Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, they’re all part of “hybrid warfare” against the United States of America. Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney about the current state of security…


The Disgusting Attack on American War Hero General McInerney by the Fake News Media Using False Information

An article by Gina Harkins for, dated Dec 1st, 2020 seems like a misdirected attack on not only our broadcast network, but on highly decorated, 3-star General Thomas McInerney. Just so the public isn’t confused, is not a website run by the US military. It apparently isn’t even…


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