What is the purpose of a constitution? To limit government of, by, and for the people. It’s as simple as that! So why do politicians ignore it and try so hard to grow government and expand governmental authority? Because they don’t believe the people and think that “experts” can govern…
Guest Editorial: How do you push the attempted assassination of Donald Trump story off the pages of the news? Israel’s devastating attack on Yemen didn’t do it; the rapidly changing political scene in Europe didn’t, Oh, I know, stab Joe Biden in the back! We saw it coming, not when…
Last photo of Thomas Crooks taken by a Secret Service sniper. It seems obvious he is in an aiming position. Why is he still alive at this point? Americans are becoming totally frustrated and fed up with a government that is more of a facade than a reality. They see…
Guest Editorial: This failure of the presidential protection business is becoming alarming. In my day as a federal agent, doing these very things, neither the Secret Service nor my agency would have ever made mistakes like we saw unfolding at the Pa. Trump rally if it was a mistake. In…
The current pressure on Israel *Since Israel’s establishment in 1948 – which was ferociously opposed by the State Department, and tenaciously realized by Israel’s defiant Founding Father, David Ben Gurion – The State Department has systematically pressured Israel to act against its own assessment of its own national security requirements. …
Yes, a national IQ test will be held on November 5, 2024. It will determine our collective intelligence, our ability to separate reality from BS. It will resolve whether we decide if it’s more important to listen to what a politician says or watch what they do. It will decide…
In contemporary politics, the phrase “if you throw enough mud, sooner or later it will stick” is often invoked to describe the practice of relentlessly labelling opponents to discredit them. This tactic, used extensively by the political Left, has historically aimed to stifle debate on contentious issues like uncontrolled immigration,…
FBI Director Chris Wray’s position on Islamic terrorism/Iran FBI Director, Chris Wray reiterated – during his June 4, 2024 Senate testimony and April 11, 2024 House testimony – his warning of an October 7-like terrorism on the US soil: “We have seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole another level after the October 7…
When the governments of Spain, Norway, and Ireland together announced that they would recognize a state of “Palestine,” they assumed a responsibility as patrons to the putative 23rd Arab nation. It was a bold move, but it was all for show. They are out of their league and lack the ability…
*Western conventional wisdom (WCW) embraced Iran’s Ayatollahs in 1979 – while stabbing of the Shah of Iran, “America’s policeman in the Gulf,” in the back – and helping them catapult from a regional rogue regime to the most effective global epicenter of anti-Western terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and proliferation…
This cognitive declining sack of incoherent bones masquerading as a US President, Joe Biden, after three years of fundamentally changing America in the manner Barak Obama started, has proven beyond any doubt that the Democrat party, effectively the new Communist Party USA, is committed to continuing their socialist agenda interrupted…
We live in a strange time. The law in many states, cities, and jurisdictions in this country, especially in Democrat strongholds, has been laid low. In Chicago, a judge acquits an attacker who stole a police car, ran over a Chicago cop, and crashed into four vehicles. In California, shoplifting…