Articles by CCNS Members

Evidence Indicates COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES

A previous Gateway Pundit article identified two “smoking guns” supporting the conclusion that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory. First, a de facto scientific recipe for the laboratory creation of COVID-19 was described in the 2018 research grant application to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) submitted…


BRILLIANT: If COVID Omicron Variant Is as Mild as Indicated Why Not Let It Run Its Course and Protect the Vulnerable with Therapeutics?

Ph.D. and retired Army Colonel Lawrence Sellin questions the current actions taken against the new COVID variant Omicron.  Sellin asks that if the Omicron variant is mild, as is now indicated, why not let it run its course and protect the vulnerable with therapeutics?  Vaccines are certainly not the answer.…


SMOKING GUNS: Despite Cover Up to Protect US Rich and Powerful and Treasonous US Government Workers, Designed Mutations and Cover-up Itself Confirm COVID-19 Origins

Smoking guns, designed mutations, and the U.S. government cover-up of the laboratory origin of COVID-19 If you are wondering why U.S. intelligence agencies are incapable of identifying the origin of COVID-19 and why the U.S. government shows no interest in pursuing that issue, wonder no more. There is a deliberate…


National Institutes of Health Funding Connected to Chinese Military and Organ Harvesting

Numerous news articles are still appearing describing the continuing problem of human organ harvesting in China, including forced organ harvesting in Chinese military concentration camps, where human rights abuses are considered a for-profit industry. One center accused of organ harvesting is The First Hospital of Jilin University, until 2000 it was known as The Affiliated Hospital of the First Military…


How Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Facilitated China’s Colonization of U.S. Research Programs

Today, U.S. research laboratories are de facto extensions of the Chinese Communist Party’s fused military-civilian research program. It is a consequence of “scientific chain migration,” a pattern of research program infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that has been replicated across the United…


Emory University is Training Ground for Chinese Military Scientists Linked to Biowarfare Research with Funding from Dr. Fauci

Emory University trains, funds, and collaborates with Chinese military scientists linked to biowarfare research. Chinglai Yang and Ling Ye are faculty members in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Chinglai Yang received his undergraduate degree from the University of Science and Technology of China,…


Initial Reports Coming Out of China Indicate There Was a New COVID-19 Lab Leak at University in Shanghai

Reports coming out of China indicate that another laboratory leak of COVID-19 has occurred at another China institution. According to a just-received November 12, 2021 Chinese language text and supported by other sources in China, there has been a presumed laboratory leak of COVID-19 at East China University of Science…


Traitors, Driven by Greed, are Betting on the Success of China

  Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that COVID-19 could not have evolved in nature and, therefore, must have been created in a laboratory, it came as no surprise that U.S. intelligence agencies released an inconclusive report about its origin. The U.S. intelligence agencies are part of a permanent U.S. federal…


Due to COVID’s Success, China Is Now Working on Integrating Bio Warfare with Information Warfare in the Future

China’s New Concept of Bio-based War Includes Vaccines With “Backdoors” As Bioweapons  On February 14, 2020, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping, emphasized the need to incorporate biosecurity into China’s national security system. In China, biosecurity is a euphemism for “bio-based war”…


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: China’s 2021 Five Year Plan Announced – Biotechnology and Information Technology Warfare Dominance

China’s 2021 14th Five Year Plan: Biotechnology-Information Technology Warfare Dominance China is preparing for biological warfare and is mobilizing all its military and civilian resources in that effort. The recently translated Chinese Communist Party’s 2021 14th Five-year Plan National Key Research and Development Program has a subsection “Research on pathogenesis and…


China’s Military Declares Biotechnology Warfare as its Fundamental Guiding Principle

China’s People’s Liberation Army believes that biological weapons, not nuclear weapons, are the key to global military dominance. In our recent Gateway Pundit article, we described the 2005 and 2006 Chinese military publications by Colonel Ji-wei Guo, who advocated the use of biotechnology in developing new methods of waging war and…


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