Greetings everyone, I pray y’all had a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day weekend. This weekend represents the “official” end of summer and the “official” beginning of another college football season. But I just had to reflect on what Labor Day was intended to be. It began back in the late…
Finally, that longing has come to an end … as it happens each year, once that last college football game is played in January. Yes, I am talking about a new college football season. And last season ended in a spectacular fashion with, yet again, another grand and storied comeback…
As y’all know, I am a Senior Fellow with the Media Research Center, the country’s premier conservative media watchdog group that has been around some 30 years. While on the MRC Alaska cruise, one of the panels was on the subject of censorship. Yes, it is happening. As a matter of fact, we…
Today, we are being challenged on multiple fronts by China and their aggression and expansionists policies. Clearly, their primary strategic objective is to dominate the Western Pacific and the Asian Rimland. The Rimland is the strip of coastal land that encircles Eurasia. For decades we had encouraged China’s economic growth…
Angela and I enjoyed a fantastic week aboard the MS Eurodam of the Holland America Line fleet as part of the Media Research Center Alaska cruise. This was my fourth ever cruise, second time aboard the MS Eurodam. I must be honest. I joined the Army, not the Navy, so…
When Candace Owens was speaking on a college campus and was interrupted by some disrespectful black students, a firestorm began, that, with time, has only confirmed what we already knew. Her ensuing statement centered on what is indeed happening in the black community: an ideological war. There are those who…
This past week I attended the 99th reunion of America’s First Infantry Division, also known as the Big Red One, in Lombard, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. It was an amazing event with some 400+ gathered to reminisce and honor our Fallen companions. The Big Red One (BRO) is America’s…
Perhaps I am dating myself a little, but one of my favorite movies as a young teenager was “The Bad News Bears.” It was a very moving story about an alcoholic youth league baseball coach who takes over a losing team. Walter Matthau was the lead character. The movie was…
In the aftermath of the Helsinki summit between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin the overly emotional, hyperbolic, and delusional rhetoric has been quite disconcerting. I have been on record stating that President Trump’s performance in the joint press conference was quite disappointing, and there was a missed opportunity. However,…
Almost a week ago – last Tuesday to be exact – something happened, which is very telling about the hypocrisy of the progressive, socialist left. It truly does provide us a window into the mindset, prejudice, and true fascism of the left in America. It was not widely reported. As…
I know everyone is preparing for this evening’s announcement of President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee. Also, this week, President Trump will head to Europe for a NATO meeting as well as a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. These are very, very important developments. I’m quite sure many of…
I remember in 2000 when actor Mel Gibson decided to step out of the genre of strong man roles, such as William Wallace of “Braveheart.” He did a movie called “What Women Want.” I must admit, it was a rather fun, comical, and different side of Mel Gibson. He played…