
It’s Time to Put Down the Participation Trophy

I know everyone is preparing for this evening’s announcement of President Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee. Also, this week, President Trump will head to Europe for a NATO meeting as well as a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. These are very, very important developments. I’m quite sure many of…

The Fatal Flaw In U.S. Afghanistan Policy

The U.S. Department of Defense Department just submitted to Congress its semiannual, June 2018 report titled “Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan.” The take-home message, like every such report for at least the last 10 years, remained the reassuring “progress is being made.” It is the contemporary equivalent to the Vietnam War…

Inside the Iran Protests: An IPT Exclusive Video Report

Anti-government protests throughout Iran are heating up, with security forces reportedly killing four protesters Saturday night. The unrest is driven by Iran’s crippling economic conditions. Unemployment is soaring as Iran’s currency, the rial, plummets by more than 50 percent. The city of Khorramshahr, in southwest Iran near the Iraqi border, has…

China Targets Africa With Arsenal Of Debt-Trap Diplomacy And Military Expansion

According to a recent report, Chinese investment in Africa could create national economies entirely dependent on China. Although infrastructure projects can create jobs, provide an opportunity for skills development and the transfer of new technologies, Chinese loans  amounting to more than $86 billion bring dangerously high levels of debt that can prove unsustainable…

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