Articles by CCNS Members

LAWRENCE SELLIN: While the FBI hunts patriotic Americans, China’s “Scientific Double Agents” Operate Freely in U.S. Universities

One could call them Scientific Double Agents, those who appear to be working for the United States, but who simultaneously work for China. They are the thousands of scientists trained in the People’s Republic of China, who have established themselves in laboratories in the United States, some becoming American citizens, but…


LAWRENCE SELLIN: New Pentagon Papers Show COVID Is Bioweapon Made in China Paid for and Developed by US Scientists Who Then Covered It Up While Pushing Flawed Public Health Policies

New Pentagon Documents Point To COVID-19’s Laboratory Origin as a Chinese Bioweapon and U.S. Government Complicity As described in a Gateway Pundit article last year, for over 15 years China has conducted biowarfare research on genetically-engineered viruses coupled to a vaccine-production program to protect its own military from those China-made bioweapons. Hold…


Chinese Communist Party Scientists in the U.S. are Bleeding America of Vital Biotechnology

In a November 21, 2021 Gateway Pundit article, we described China’s colonization of U.S. research programs. Through a process we call “scientific chain migration,” there has been a massive infiltration of U.S. research laboratories by successive waves of scientists from the People’s Republic of China, many of whom came from…


Anthony Fauci Directly Funds Research by Chinese Military Scientists

Research grant number R01AI098775 “RBD recombinant protein-based SARS vaccine for biodefense” amounting to over $1 million per year was awarded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to Professor Peter Hotez of Baylor College of Medicine as the Project Leader. One of the two other Principal Investigators…


Mixed Messaging from U.S. Government on China’s Biological Weapons Program

The involvement of U.S. government entities with Chinese biological weapons scientists and entities is deeply concerning. hina acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984. The BWC “effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, and use of biological and toxin weapons.” Nevertheless, Sharri Markson writes in her 2021 book, What Really…


America Must Decide – Will It Be a Constitutional Republic or a One-Party Totalitarian State?

The United States is no longer a constitutional republic. It is a nation in the final transition to a one-party totalitarian state, modeled after the People’s Republic of China with whom those controlling the U.S. government are colluding. Patriotic Americans must now recognize that the federal government, as an institution,…


More Evidence China’s PLA (Military) May Have Initiated COVID-19 In an Open-Air Test

Additional evidence indicating the COVID-19 pandemic may have been initiated by a Chinese military open-air test The Gateway Pundit (TGP) has published a series of articles describing the structure of China’s biowarfare program and how that structure facilitated the laboratory creation of the COVID-19 virus, known scientifically as SARS-CoV-2. China’s…


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