Author page: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.)

Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapon Use in War – Is It Accelerating?

Ukraine and Russia have violated the ban on chemical weapon use in war, but has Ukraine gone a step further?   Both Ukraine and Russia signed and ratified the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. Article I (5) of the Convention states: “Each State Party undertakes not to use riot control agents as…


China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

Mosquitos as bioweapon delivery platforms: The imminent danger posed by China’s fused military-civilian research program   China has a history of recklessness in its use of genetic engineering and the handling of dangerous microorganisms. In a Planet of the Apes, life imitating art scenario, in 2019, Chinese scientists inserted human brain development…


The Globalist Uniparty Murdered the American Constitutional Republic

The U.S. government is a corrupt, one-party authoritarian state controlled by a Globalist Uniparty of Democrats and Republicans, who steal from the American people on behalf of rich and powerful multinational interests and use the federal bureaucracy, particularly the national security agencies, to suppress dissent and deny individual rights guaranteed…


If Corrupt Tyrants Intend to Govern Illegitimately, Then Stand Up Against the Tyrants

Despite clear maladministration, if not intentional voter suppression and fraud, the Maricopa County, Arizona Board of Supervisors is expected to soon certify the 2022 Election results.  This will likely take place this morning. Corruption in government is a solvable problem, but not without free and fair elections. So, what do…


How China Gained Full Access to the U.S. Biodefense Center at Fort Detrick

In an appalling and historic act of national security malfeasance, U.S. government officials formulated policies, which allowed China to “colonize” every component of America’s research and development program, including the military. As most bad ideas have, it all began under the Clinton Administration. Starting In 1996, Clinton officials invited scientists…


While the University of Oklahoma Implements a Robust Woke Agenda, China Dominates its Research Programs

In its 2016 Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the Chinese Communist Party mandated the fusion of civilian and military research. In a 2021 Gateway Pundit article, I described the three levels of China’s biowarfare program. There is a core secret military level consisting of military research centers and hospitals. The core layer is…


Links between the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and China’s People’s Liberation Army

On September 29, 2021, Duke University’s One Health Initiative, headed by Gregory C. Gray, closed its doors and moved to the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB).   One Health is a globalist program to place all aspects of public health under a World Health Organization umbrella, an effort strongly endorsed by the Chinese…


Methods that the Chinese Communist Party Uses to Colonize the United States

Unlike the massive invasion of the United States by illegal aliens across our southern border, a deliberate policy perpetrated by the Biden regime, China has conducted what one could describe as a slow-motion invasion over decades, which began with the “Opening” of China under the Nixon Administration and accelerated thereafter.…


The Shocking Facts About the Continuing Cover-up of COVID-19’s Laboratory Origin by the U.S. Government and Colluding Scientists

Yesterday, on October 21, 2022, The Gateway Pundit published an article describing a recent scientific study, “Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which stated that the COVID-19 virus is synthetic. The authors’ conclusion was based upon an analysis of the restriction sites, the “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed…


How China Uses the Real Estate Industry to Support Its Espionage and Subversion Against the United States

Over the last four decades, China has de facto colonized the United States with a cadre of business and academic professionals, who, although becoming U.S. citizens, have remained loyal to the Chinese Communist Party. A key element supporting China’s espionage and subversive activities in the U.S. is the real estate…


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