Search: Lawrence Sellin

Location of Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic Identified – Between Two of China’s Biological Warfare Facilities in Wuhan

According to China’s own data, the original hot spot for COVID-19 infections occurred in a residential area in the four miles between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Biological Preparations Institute of the China Biology Technology Group Corporation. Both of those institutions have been associated with China’s biological warfare program and,…

New Evidence Shows U.S. Government and the American Scientific Establishment Involved in Cover-Up of COVID-19’s Origin

International financial interests and the global scientific establishment have never wanted the true source of the COVID-19 virus to be revealed, despite the fact that its laboratory origin was suspected early after the onset of the pandemic. There is now evidence that elements within the U.S. government coordinated with selected…

Unequivocal Scientific Evidence that the COVID-19 Virus Originated in a Laboratory

(scientific references in parentheses) Since the onset of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party, together with the support or acquiescence of the majority of the Western scientific community, have insisted that the COVID-19 virus was a naturally-occurring, animal-to-human transmission. Despite exhaustive international research efforts, a natural source for the COVID-19…

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