Articles by CCNS Members

President Trump, Please Exercise Your Prerogative Power to Defeat Communism

The Darkest Moment before Dawn 244 years ago, America was built following the will of the CREATOR.  As a nation under the CREATOR, America empowers American people with precious freedom unavailable anywhere else on earth.  Standing tall as the beacon of freedom, America has been blessed with superpower and prosperity. …


New York Mosques to Protest Macron’s “Blatant Disrespect of the Prophet”

A consortium of New York mosques plans to protest at the French Consulate in Manhattan this Sunday to express their rage at Emmanuel Macron’s support for publishing caricatures of Islam’s prophet Muhammad. “The French President is directly provoking the Muslim world in his support of offensive and vulgar depictions of the beloved Prophet…


Restrict Legal Immigration to Protect American Workers

Creating jobs for Americans ought to be every politician’s top priority. But for Joe Biden, it isn’t. Instead, Biden has pledged to expand job programs for foreign workers. Consider H-1B visas, which allow foreigners “in specialty occupations” to temporarily work in the United States. President Trump paused this program when…


Liberty is the Key Issue of the US 2020 Election

Over many decades, the United States has become an oligarchy, a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The oligarchy is primarily composed of the Democrat Party, the media, academia, the permanent federal bureaucracy and the multinational interests that provide its financial support.…


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