Articles by CCNS Members

Citizen Patriots Are Fighting Back: Marxist propaganda, Critical Race Theory and the deterioration of American schools

This is the fourth article in this series on Critical Race Theory (CRT). The earlier three may be seen here, here, and here. Their intent was to document the deteriorating situation across America, and especially in our schools, where curricula increasingly focus on Marxist propaganda that teaches children to hate their own country…


China’s Biowarfare Program Involved in the Origin of COVID-19 Is Linked to Its Military Yet It Accesses Knowledge, Skills and Funding from the US

Note: This article was co-authored by Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) and Anna Chen. China’s biowarfare program has three levels. There is a core secret military level consisting of military research centers and hospitals. The core layer is supervised by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in coordination with so-called “civilian”…


EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Administration Invited the Chinese Army into Sensitive U.S. Military Biodefense Centers

Note: This article was co-authored by Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) and Anna Chen. The deeper we dig, the worse it gets. The infiltration of critical Department of Defense and related civilian research programs by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientists began in the 1990s. The infestation…


Amid a Spate of Anti-Semitic Attacks, Orange County Muslim Leader Incites More Hatred

A Southern California imam called Israelis “child killers” and urged Muslims to “sacrifice whatever resources we can in defense of that land,” in a talk live-streamed last Thursday on YouTube. Sheikh Tarik Ata’s remarks came after Jews were targeted in at least two anti-Semitic attacks in Los Angeles. The video remains available on the Orange County Islamic Foundation‘s YouTube…


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