Articles by CCNS Members

America’s Humiliating Defeat in Afghanistan Centered Around Misunderstanding the True-Enemy, Pakistan, and by Extension, China

The best outcome we can expect from the catastrophe now unfolding in Afghanistan is a new U.S. regional strategy that prevents our adversaries from benefitting from the power vacuum created by our conscious and chronic refusal to address the true nature of the conflict. After the initial victory over the…


What if It’s Proven that Joe Biden and the Democrats Didn’t Win the 2020 Election But They Refuse to Give Up Power?

What if, or when, it is unequivocally proven that Joe Biden and other Democrats did not legitimately win the 2020 election, but they refuse to give up power? What then? I think it is a scenario for which we should be prepared because elections without meaning leave us with a…


Bioaerosol Research Performed by China’s Military May Have Started the COVID-19 Pandemic in October 2019

China’s military bioaerosol research and a test that may have begun the COVID-19 pandemic In an article recently published on The Gateway Pundit, a source inside China during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and familiar with the operations of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) claimed that a test release…


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Communist Party Cadre May Already be in Place in the U.S. for a Planned Takeover

There are U.S.-based Chinese scientists collaborating with China’s military and, based on direct evidence, arguably coordinating propaganda efforts with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to absolve itself of responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic. What is described in this article is only the tip of a very large iceberg. It does…


China’s Next More Dangerous Bioweapon and How the U.S. is Helping Them Build It

U.S. virus research laboratories have become functioning subsidiaries of China’s biowarfare program. Since the 1990s, U.S. universities and research institutions have been colonized by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) scientists. Through a process we call “scientific chain migration,” the first wave of CCP and PLA scientists,…


Let’s End the Debate About the Origin of COVID-19 – Made in a Laboratory in China – It’s Time to Identify those Involved

China’s biowarfare military-civilian research fusion and how it links to U.S. research centers. China’s massive biowarfare program operates at three levels. There is a core secret military level composed of military research centers and hospitals. The second level includes all universities and “civilian” research centers, like the Wuhan Institute of Virology because in China there…


More Evidence Leaked from China on the Deliberate Release of COVID-19 by the Chinese Military

The following information was provided by a source inside China who has knowledge of the circumstances and has been vetted. COVID-19 was created in a laboratory by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and fine-tuned as a bioweapon. It was specifically designed to be highly contagious, but often asymptomatic, have low…


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