Search: Paul Vallely

Eyes On Canada 1.0

Most people in the USA think of Canada as “America light” – their little sibling to the North. Canadians have a reputation for being mild, courteous, and non-confrontational. Many Canadians have a sort of mid-western American accent. They dress and behave similarly to Americans, so they effortlessly blend in like…

Civilization(s) in Decline

History tells us that a civilization or an empire has six stages of evolution. Age of pioneers and/or explorers Age of conquests seeking new land and resources An age of commerce and agriculture ( and now technology) An age of influence and class diversification An age of affluence, education, intellect,…

Gen. Paul Vallely with Dave Janda – What Happened to our Senior Military Officers?

Gen. Vallely (US Army Ret.) was recently on Dave Janda’s radio show discussing his recent article, “What Has Happened to our Senior Military Officers?” Gen. Vallely states that “there is something rotten happening in the Pentagon,” with serious implications.

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