Search: Lawrence Sellin

Trump is Right About Pakistan

During an interview with Fox News, President Trump stated that Pakistan has done little to curtail Islamic extremism — even sheltering al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden — despite accepting billions in aid from the United States. The president implied what many have come to believe: that Pakistan is responsible…

The End Game in Afghanistan is Beginning

China and Pakistan have plainly stated their plans for Afghanistan and South Asia. According to a press release from the November 12 conference held at Islamabad’s Pakistan-China Institute, “Pakistan-Afghanistan-China Trilateral Dialogue supports the CPEC [China-Pakistan Economic Corridor] as key to peace and regional cooperation.” Pakistani news outlets emphasized the point, one stating, “Pakistan and…

China Subtly Plays the Iran Card

China seeks global domination. The vehicle to achieve it is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a collection of infrastructure projects and a network of commercial agreements designed to link the entire world directly to the Chinese economy through inter-connected land-based and maritime routes. The guarantor of that soft power approach is the hard power of military expansion.…

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