Search: George Mcclellan

Joe The Maleficent and WW3

Taking nothing away from Angelina Jolie’s role in the movie Maleficent, Joe Biden epitomizes Jolie’s angry, revenge-laden creature that still looms dangerously. As the twilight of his years descends upon him, his shuffling gait and thinning white hair lending him the patina of an aged and beloved senior (queue the…

Nature of Religion and Politics in The US

America, from its inception, created as it was out of Europeans fleeing religious, political, and economic injustice, was, first and foremost, a deeply Christian Nation. Prime among them was the Catholic Church, whose early emissaries, the Spanish Conquistadores and Portuguese explorers primarily searching central and south America for gold, slaughtering…

Gen. Flynn, The Debate and Other Issues.

Tuesday night, 01 Oct 24, was the organized three-versus-one debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, contending candidates for Vice President of the United States for their respective parties. CBS, one of the Democratic party’s radical propaganda arms, was determined to ensure no damage was done to the Leftist agenda…

State of the Union

What is the purpose of a constitution? To limit government of, by, and for the people. It’s as simple as that! So why do politicians ignore it and try so hard to grow government and expand governmental authority? Because they don’t believe the people and think that “experts” can govern…

We Are Living a Lie

This cognitive declining sack of incoherent bones masquerading as a US President, Joe Biden, after three years of fundamentally changing America in the manner Barak Obama started, has proven beyond any doubt that the Democrat party, effectively the new Communist Party USA, is committed to continuing their socialist agenda interrupted…

Joe Biden’s Legacy

Apart from his long-demonstrated political incompetence easily hidden as a Senator, Joe Biden was once thought to have empathy… until he became president. He spent fifty years creating an image that he had a sense of caring. It was all a con job. He’s an immoral, unethical freeloader who berates…

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