Search: Allen West

Iran – the anti-US ripple effect

The ripple effect theory An underlying assumption behind any US agreement with Iran’s Ayatollahs is that the Ayatollahs would utilize the resulting financial and diplomatic bonanza for butter rather than guns. Moreover, it is assumed that Iran’s Ayatollahs are amenable to good-faith negotiation and peaceful-coexistence. These assumptions have been quashed…

Open letter to Prime Minister Bennett ahead of visit to USA

During your first official visit to Washington, DC, you’ll have to choose between two options: *Blurring your deeply-rooted, assertive Israeli positions on the future of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), which would be welcome by the Biden Administration, yielding to short-term political convenience and popularity inside the beltway; or *Tenaciously advocating…

Two Intelligence Failures by America’s Leaders

Just as the most optimistic among our leaders believed that Afghanistan had the potential to become a fledgling democracy, our leadership insisted that…. China would become a “stakeholder in the international order” and a trusted trading partner. Increased political freedom would follow economic growth, and a huge new marketplace would…

Generals, veterans, and citizens issue petition accusing Sec of Defense Austin of violating his oath to the US Constitution

The Committee to Support and Defend has initiated a petition to the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to “honor his oath” to “support and defend” the Constitution of the United States.  The petition “respectfully insists” that Austin immediately countermand orders he has issued since taking office that have eroded military cohesion…

This We’ll Defend

Good Monday, everyone! It is Flag Day. Yes, it is quite certain to be a day that the progressive socialist left despises. It is a meaningful day to those who believe in and honor our America, and its symbol, the Stars and Stripes. Those of us who have lived a life…

Critical Race Theory in America’s Classrooms

This is Part 3 of a multi-part series on the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in America’s schools. While earlier articles explained how the ideological foundations of CRT are rooted in Marxism and were promulgated by Marxist intellectuals operating out of the leftist faculty lounges of American academia, today’s…

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