Articles by CCNS Members

IPT Story on Al-Arian Panel Prompts Indiana University Dean’s Apology

An Indiana University (IU) dean admits its School of Philanthropy “failed in our due diligence” when it invited deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) board member Sami Al-Arian to participate in a program about the war on terrorism and its impact on Muslim charities. The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) reported on the panel discussion Dec. 20,…


The Globalist Uniparty Murdered the American Constitutional Republic

The U.S. government is a corrupt, one-party authoritarian state controlled by a Globalist Uniparty of Democrats and Republicans, who steal from the American people on behalf of rich and powerful multinational interests and use the federal bureaucracy, particularly the national security agencies, to suppress dissent and deny individual rights guaranteed…


Deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad “Master Manipulator” Among Indiana University’s “Distinguished” Panelists

Every so often, Sami Al-Arian emerges to opine on some domestic issue, reminding us of two things: He’s an inveterate liar who continues to whitewash his years of service to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). And a disappointing number of American academics are willing to ignore that record and treat him as a credible…


If Corrupt Tyrants Intend to Govern Illegitimately, Then Stand Up Against the Tyrants

Despite clear maladministration, if not intentional voter suppression and fraud, the Maricopa County, Arizona Board of Supervisors is expected to soon certify the 2022 Election results.  This will likely take place this morning. Corruption in government is a solvable problem, but not without free and fair elections. So, what do…


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