Author page: Yoram Ettinger

Iran’s Ayatollahs – the epicenter of global anti-US terrorism

The anti-US strategy of Iran’s Ayatollahs The Congressional Research Service highlights SOUTHCOM Commander Admiral Kurt Tidd’s statement that “as a state sponsor of terrorism, Iran’s nefarious involvement in the Western Hemisphere is a matter for concern.” The Admiral noted that Iran expanded ties with Latin America. Moreover, according to the Washington, DC-based Lawfare Institute:…


The US and the Iranian Octopus (part 2)

Since the 1978/79 revolution against the Shah of Iran, the Ayatollahs regime has adhered to its mega-goal of global Shite domination, developing mega-capabilities (nuclear, ballistic technologies and worldwide terrorism), aiming to remove/subordinate its mega-obstacle, the USA. During 1962-1970, then anti-US Egypt was involved in the Yemen civil war, as a springboard to topple the pro-US…


US pressuring Israel – a test of US realism and Israeli leadership

Secretary of State Blinken pressures Israel Secretary of State, Antony Blinken – the chief architect of President Biden’s foreign and national security policy – is pressuring Israel to embrace his (classic State Department) policy on the rogue regime of Iran’s Ayatollahs and the Palestinian issue. *Irrespective of the systematic track record…


Open letter to Prime Minister Bennett ahead of visit to USA

During your first official visit to Washington, DC, you’ll have to choose between two options: *Blurring your deeply-rooted, assertive Israeli positions on the future of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), which would be welcome by the Biden Administration, yielding to short-term political convenience and popularity inside the beltway; or *Tenaciously advocating…


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