Author page: Retired General Paul Vallely

Operation Nemesis 9.0: Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Plan IX. Appreciating America’s Manifest Destiny “The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing in sharing and promoting the principles of liberty.” – “The Five Thousand Year Leap”, by W. Cleon Skousen Recently, a group of elderly Chinese Americans who fortunately survived the catastrophic…


Operation Nemesis 8.0: Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

“For nearly 40 years, the CCP has used globalization and economic incentives to bring other countries under the Communist Party’s influence. CCP infiltration beyond China’s borders runs deep in the political, economic, cultural, and educational spheres. Examples of PRC influence operations include the Confucius Institutes programs, the Belt and Road…


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