Author page: Retired General Paul Vallely

Restrict Legal Immigration to Protect American Workers

Creating jobs for Americans ought to be every politician’s top priority. But for Joe Biden, it isn’t. Instead, Biden has pledged to expand job programs for foreign workers. Consider H-1B visas, which allow foreigners “in specialty occupations” to temporarily work in the United States. President Trump paused this program when…


Working and Supporting the Chinese People to Eliminate the Evil Chinese Communist Party

 Working and Supporting the Chinese People to Eliminate the evil Chinese Communist Party (“The CCP”) (Through Chinese Eyes)  “The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the…


Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – The Last of this Series

Operation Nemesis 13.0 Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Plan XIII.  No Compromise for the Wicked CCP – Reflections upon the Pandemic Outbreak in Brazil “(This pandemic) is selectively targeting the CCP and is aimed at eliminating the CCP and those who are pro-communist or who have close ties with…


Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): We Are at a Crossroad

Operation Nemesis 12.0 – Retribution Against the Chinese Communist Party Plan XII.  “Victory or Death?” We Are at a Crossroad “The divine aims at saving humans, while the specter of communism aims at destroying humans. This moment of history is extremely intense because it relates to the survival of civilization…


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