Already, the media and government officials are hated. Truth is not in their DNA. Until this problem is solved, the growing suspicion and distrust of public authorities and the media protecting them will deepen. This news headline drew my attention today: “Police Arrest Men At Vice President Kamala Harris’ Los Angeles…
Politically, things are moving very fast in this election change-over, especially the speed of that one unmentioned ingredient, “fear.” No one in politics wonders what Trump will do; they already know because he’s proven when he says something, he does something! The dangerous radical movement that has ushered misery, death, and destruction…
Taking nothing away from Angelina Jolie’s role in the movie Maleficent, Joe Biden epitomizes Jolie’s angry, revenge-laden creature that still looms dangerously. As the twilight of his years descends upon him, his shuffling gait and thinning white hair lending him the patina of an aged and beloved senior (queue the…
It’s now time for conservatives to end the ‘happy talk’ that has infected us since Trump’s stunning election victory. We must focus our efforts instead on protecting Trump’s appointees while the Radical Democrats are in disarray trying to figure out what happened to them and who to blame for their…
Of the many social, economic, military, and other disastrous issues left by the Biden-Harris gang of political misfits to confront the incoming Trump administration, one that desperately needs to be addressed is the corruption, mainly of higher education, that is turning out brainwashed numbskulls indoctrinated to hate America. That problem…
America, from its inception, created as it was out of Europeans fleeing religious, political, and economic injustice, was, first and foremost, a deeply Christian Nation. Prime among them was the Catholic Church, whose early emissaries, the Spanish Conquistadores and Portuguese explorers primarily searching central and south America for gold, slaughtering…
Tuesday was the first day of early voting in Georgia. I pride myself on quickly attending to my civic duties as a natural, genuine American-born registered voter with a photo ID by casting my vote early lest some mishap befall me before November’s election day. Most of us know it’s…
Tuesday night, 01 Oct 24, was the organized three-versus-one debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, contending candidates for Vice President of the United States for their respective parties. CBS, one of the Democratic party’s radical propaganda arms, was determined to ensure no damage was done to the Leftist agenda…
What is the purpose of a constitution? To limit government of, by, and for the people. It’s as simple as that! So why do politicians ignore it and try so hard to grow government and expand governmental authority? Because they don’t believe the people and think that “experts” can govern…
Guest Editorial: How do you push the attempted assassination of Donald Trump story off the pages of the news? Israel’s devastating attack on Yemen didn’t do it; the rapidly changing political scene in Europe didn’t, Oh, I know, stab Joe Biden in the back! We saw it coming, not when…
Guest Editorial: This failure of the presidential protection business is becoming alarming. In my day as a federal agent, doing these very things, neither the Secret Service nor my agency would have ever made mistakes like we saw unfolding at the Pa. Trump rally if it was a mistake. In…
This cognitive declining sack of incoherent bones masquerading as a US President, Joe Biden, after three years of fundamentally changing America in the manner Barak Obama started, has proven beyond any doubt that the Democrat party, effectively the new Communist Party USA, is committed to continuing their socialist agenda interrupted…