“Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that it permanently becomes more inclusive and becomes easier for the American people to access.”
-– Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, Time, April 14, 2020

If there is one thing you can count on the progressive socialist left to do, it is loudly broadcasting their nefarious intent. Just a mere two weeks before the aforementioned quote from Eric Holder, who is now the Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, Democrat Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC), stated on April 2nd, “this pandemic gives Democrats a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

What was the title of the article in Time magazine by Eric Holder? “Here’s How Coronavirus Should Change US Elections – For Good.”

I want y’all to stop reading for a moment. Take and digest what Clyburn and Holder have asserted. It goes to the core of that maxim of Rahm Emanuel, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” I want America to recognize the abjectly deranged and devious intent of the progressive socialist left in America, the Democrat Party, to leverage a virus for their own electoral gain and advantage. The Democrat (Socialist) Party wants the continued fear, panic, paranoia, and hysteria that their media accomplices have created. They do not want the American people to get back to work, be released from the illegal martial law and house arrest that has subjugated our constitutional rights.

The left wants a COVID-19 boogeyman, just like the child who fears the monster in the closet at night and cannot get to sleep. COVID-19 has a 99.6 percent recovery rate, and just like there is no boogeyman in the closet, instead of respecting our rights, the left wants to fear-monger in order to restructure our rights for their electoral gain. The new rallying cry of the left is “mail-in ballots.”

In Texas, the second-largest electoral state in our Republic, we are not immune from the left’s COVID-19 boogeyman.

Just recently, the Dallas County Commission voted 4-1 to allow something so absurd that, if it were not so serious, you would die laughing. They voted on and passed a resolution to establish fear of COVID-19 as an accepted disability. Therefore, one can use that “disability” to apply for a mail-in ballot in Dallas County. Yep, if you fear the COVID-19 boogeyman in the closet, and fear going out to vote, you can get a mail-in ballot. I told you it was absurd. The proliferation of COVID-19 fear, panic, paranoia, and hysteria is exactly what the left wants. That is why this whole illegal martial law, shutdown, lockdown insanity must end.

The same resolution that the Dallas County commission approved, 4-1, the El Paso County commission is taking up. As well, in Harris County (Houston), led by far-left County Judge, Lina Hidalgo, they are allocating $11-$12 million for mail-in ballots.

Yesterday, in San Antonio, Federal Judge Fred Biery — a Bill Clinton appointee — issued a decision, based upon a lawsuit from the Texas Democratic Party, stating that Texas must allow expanded mail-in balloting. Yes, based on the COVID-19 boogeyman.

There is no debate about what the Democrat (Socialist) Party wants in 2020. There is no debate as to how they are seeking to attain that objective: voter fraud. They want electoral victories, and they especially want them nationally, particularly to gain the White House. But they also want them in very targeted state elections, State House and Senate, that is how they will gain control of the upcoming redistricting which will come after the 2020 elections and have an immediate impact. Texas is gaining three new US Congressional districts due to the mass exodus of population from economically failing leftist states like California, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey. These new districts will certainly be in the areas of greatest population growth, the major population centers: Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, Houston, and Austin.

Those of us who live in Texas know exactly which political party has power in those areas.

The left needs a boogeyman, and COVID-19 fits the bill. They are going to milk this to restructure things to fit their vision. The Democrats do not want our economy to reopen, for Americans to get back to work. We now know they want to use COVID-19 to change our electoral system – for good.

Nationwide, statewide, mail-in ballots are not necessary.

We can ill afford to allow the COVID-19 boogeyman in the closet to instill a fear that results in the loss of our Constitutional Republic, which is exactly what the left seeks.

This column was originally published at The Old School Patriot.

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