On Tuesday this week, shortly after former President Trump’s arrest, Fox News ran two video feeds (of Biden and Trump) simultaneously with the following chyron: “Wannabe dictator speaks at The White House after having his political rival arrested.

The words were on the screen for less than 30 seconds. Still, the effect was immediate inside Fox as Carlson notes, “the women who run the network panicked… first they scolded the producer… less than 24 hours after that, he resigned (he’d been at Fox for more than a decade, considered one of the most capable people in the building.”

Then, the company issued a public apology: “The chyron was taken down immediately,” adding ominously that the situation was “addressed.”

The rest of the media were ‘outraged’ – “suggesting Biden is a dictator crossed the line,” remarked The Washington Post.

Several members of the liberati called for banning any criticism of the President, laughingly demanding an action that only dictators would do, demanding measures against Fox News, such as restricting it from military bases or revoking its broadcasting license.

But here’s the former Fox News host’s first point:

“Democrats were very, very angry… but why were they angry? If the banner was false, why the hysteria? Lies don’t seem to bother anyone anymore… if some cable news producer had called Biden a genius, or secretly Sudanese, would anyone be yelling about it?”

So, calling Joe Biden a ‘wannabe dictator’ apparently crossed the line:

“So, if you’re being honest with yourself, you have to wonder if Joe Biden is a wannabe dictator?”

The White House spokesperson’s response was akin to ‘of course, Joe Biden is not a dictator, just because he wants to put his political opponent in jail for a crime that he committed…doesn’t mean he has a totalitarian impulse’.

Carlson sarcastically questions whether Biden is a dictator by highlighting characteristics of dictators, such as enriching themselves, suppressing protests, censoring dissent, and surveillance.

“It is not an easy thing to be a dictator,” Carlson remarks, “there are a lot of steps.”

“…there’s nothing the population can do about it in a dictatorship. It’s no longer possible to fight injustice.”

None of that sounds like anything Biden would do, right? Not-dictator-y at all…

Watch the latest Tucker on the Twitter episode below:

(00:00) Hey, it’s Tucker Carlson. On Tuesday afternoon, the Biden administration had Donald Trump arrested it was a big news story you may have seen it. Just before 9 pm that night as part of its coverage Fox News ran two live video feeds next to one another on the right Donald Trump addressed his supporters in New Jersey on the left Joe Biden spoke at an event for the Secretary General of NATO in Washington beneath those videos at the bottom of the screen Fox’s Banner read this way “wannabe dictator speaks at the (00:32) White House after having his political rival arrested.”

Those words were up for less than 30 seconds, but the effect was immediate. Inside Fox, the women who run the network panicked first, they scolded the producer who put the banner on the screen. Less than 24 hours after that he resigned. He’d been at Fox for more than a decade, and he was considered one of the most capable people in the building. He offered to stay for two weeks, but Fox told him to clear out his desk and leave immediately.

Then the company issued a public apology (01:02) for the 27-second long wannabe dictator Line. “The Chiron was taken down immediately,” Fox’s PR department said and then added ominously it was “addressed.”

That was all true, but it was not enough to save Fox News from the ensuing scandal.

For a time in the rest of the media, Fox’s assessment of Donald Trump’s arrest seemed to overshadow Trump’s arrest itself.

“Suggesting that Biden is a dictator” declared the Washington Post quoted “crossed the line”.

Alexander Vindman agreed strongly. Vindman is the perennial MSNBC (01:38) guest and full-time Ukraine promoter you may remember from Russia Gate. On Twitter, he demanded that the Pentagon pulled Fox News from all military bases it is “absolutely unacceptable for American Forces Network to carry programming that directly spuriously attacks the commander-in-chief of American armed forces”.

Vindman wrote in other words Joe Biden must ban all criticism of himself because that’s what non-dictators do.

John Cusack went further “For the crime of calling Biden a dictator, Fox should be shut down,” wrote (02:12) the 80s era movie star. “The government has to take away their broadcasting license” and so on was all over the Internet.

Democrats were very, very angry, but why were they angry if the banner on Fox was false? Why don’t the hysteria lies don’t seem to bother anyone anymore?

If some cable news producer had called Joe Biden a genius or accused, him of being secretly Sudanese would anyone be yelling about it would Fox News have apologized for it probably not but calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator stung.

So, you’ve got to wonder if you’re being (02:50) honest with yourself, is Joe Biden a wannabe dictator?

That question came up yesterday at the White House briefing here’s how it went “Last night Fox News ran a Chiron that referred to the president as a wannabe dictator, and I’m wondering if the White House has any comment on so look there are probably about 787 million things that I can say about this that was wrong about what we saw last night, but I don’t think I’m going to get into it there are no comments on White House I think I just commented.”

Oh no comment necessary of course, Joe Biden is not a wannabe dictator; just because he’s trying to put the other candidate in prison for the rest of his life for a crime, he committed doesn’t mean he has a totalitarian impulse come on that’s absurd.

It takes much more than jailing your political Rivals to earn the title of wannabe dictator; that’s the consensus in Washington tonight, and in some ways, for once, the consensus may be right.

It is not a small thing to be a wannabe dictator, it’s quite a (03:51) process there are a lot of steps.

First off there is the money – the one thing that all dictators have in common is they enrich themselves and their families, their tribes even as the countries they govern grow steadily poorer and more desperate. They take kickbacks from businesses and from other dictators; they use the official functions of their government to funnel cash to themselves; they don’t bother to hide the fruits of this; they live in garish mansions with big Lawns far from the teeming cities, even as their citizens languish in growing (04:25) poverty in some cases living in tents on the street.

So, they don’t hide it – it’s all pretty blatant, and Ordinary People resent it; of course, they do and want to be dictators know they resent it but they don’t care there’s nothing the population can do about it in a dictatorship, it’s no longer possible to fight Injustice in a system like that.

People can’t gather in large numbers to protest the rule of the dictator.

If they try that, they’ll be arrested by state Security Services even years after the (04:55) fact a visit for men in body armor at The Breakfast Table that happens, and if citizens persist in believing they can gather in groups to protest, they may be shot to death a bullet to the throat and then just to make the humiliation complete to make the lesson gin clear to everyone else watching their relatives can be arrested for daring to complain that their children were killed for complaining.

That happens in some places ask Ashley Babbitt’s mother. Here she is in handcuffs foreign ‘s mother much less like poor Ashley (05:45) Babbitt she’s dead now that’s the message you’ll want to be dictator would send and by the way it’s not just a public protest that would be banned in a dictatorship you wouldn’t be allowed to complain from your own home.

Unauthorized opinions expressed on the internet would be censored. Go too far, press too deep, tell too much truth, and they’ll erase your opinions. They have no choice, really, it’s a matter as they say of trust and safety; you must trust the leader or else you will jeopardize his safety, not that you (06:15) really can jeopardize his safety at this point the leader has nuclear weapons and you don’t he’ll remind you of that from time to time

In any case, you’re in the process of being disarmed anyway along with everyone else who has shown questionable loyalty to the leader. Those who support the regime can keep their weapons and use them freely, including on public transportation. That’s a core Civil Right for them but for those who dissent from the program self-defense is an unaffordable privilege turn in your (06:43) guns.

Mr & Mrs peaceful opposition, you’re a danger to society, and We Know Who You Are in fact, the wannabe dictator does know who they are because he knows everything technology has made him All-Seeing.

A report in Wired Magazine just this week revealed that the highly non-dictatorial by demonstration is busy tracking the phones of millions of Americans without their knowledge. Without bothering to get a warrant at the same time the same non-dictatorial Administration is stockpiling a massive Trove of damaging (07:14) information about these same Americans to be used at some point we are sure for entirely Noble purposes.

So, the administration now knows everything: where you spend your days, who you talk to, what you think, and your porn habits. Not a big deal. The administration already knows what you buy of course, because they’ve leaned on the big Banks to turn over your confidential credit card information, not because anyone here is a wannabe dictator, to be clear, but just because it’s nice to have that information just in case in the words of (07:45) the Fox News PR department a situation arises that needs to be quote addressed.

It’s all totally normal; it’s not a dictatorship, okay.

But in the end, the main reason you know Joe Biden is not a wannabe dictator is because he just does not fit the profile.

As a man, dictators have that look that you know when you see one. Dictators build Cults of personality around themselves, and they use those called to deny the glaringly obvious.

In his later years named just one example North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung developed an enormous (08:19) baseball-sized tumor on the back of his neck, it was huge it was grotesque it was right there you couldn’t ignore it you couldn’t possibly see it, but in North Korea, State media did ignore it – they pretended it didn’t exist, and so in some vital sense it didn’t if a tumor grows on a neck but no one acknowledges it is it really there.

Thankfully nothing like that is happening in our country or ever will.

If Joe Biden never developed some profound physical or medical problem that was obvious to everybody, journalists would (08:51) say, this is not North Korea.

We don’t have state media here if Joe Biden was saying incapable of completing a whole sentence or mistook his sister for his wife or suddenly started falling down in public for no reason the New York Times would report on that and then get to the bottom of what was actually happening.

That would be its Duty in a free country like ours. It’s not like they would cover it up the very idea of a cover-up sounds like a conspiracy theory a dangerous one so stop it and by the way, if Joe Biden was a (09:22) wannabe dictator he’d have the family to match – all dictators do.

Saddam Hussein had Uday and Kuse they were princelings who lived Above the Law indulging their most decadent fantasies with total confidence, they would never be held to account by the police. As the sons of a dictator, they knew they could do exactly what they wanted and so that’s what they did.

There’s no one like that around Joe Biden – he doesn’t have weird sex scandals at the heart of his family that no one in the media will ever talk about; he doesn’t have a near (09:52) do well former nightclub-owning brother who’s made a living for 30 years by being related to him.

Not at all; that’s dictator stuff.

Joe Biden doesn’t award ridiculous inflated titles to his relatives that the media are then required to take seriously; he doesn’t call people Doctors who didn’t go to medical school and then force you to nod along like it’s real when everyone knows it isn’t – Nikolai chesco did that with his wife Elena.

Joe Biden would never do that.

Notice Joe Biden dressed like a dictator (10:19) he doesn’t do photo ops and mirrored sunglasses driving a sports car to convince you that he isn’t frail and senile; but instead, powerful viral and wise; that’s just not his style.

If Joe Biden was a dictator, he’d be wearing epaulets and carrying a tasseled riding crop and he isn’t yet so calm down if he was a dictator Biden’s speeches would look like Nuremberg rallies a blood-red backdrop armed Soldiers by his side screaming about crushing his eternal enemies honestly Biden did come close to that (10:50) one time last September at a speech in Philadelphia but it wasn’t in any sense dictators.

It was necessary, as MSNBC assures at the time quote Biden aimed to Showcase his faith in the military apparatus – in its ability to back the Democratic order and see it was about democracy, not a dictatorship, no cause for alarm; he is not a dictator.

A dictator would stockpile ammunition for his own bureaucrats including his tax collectors; he’d redefine the legal code to make disloyalty to the regime the most severe crime.

He claimed dominion over (11:24) the most intimate parts of his citizens’ lives – he defined what attitudes they were allowed to have about sex and religion and how to raise their families.

He would even in his final grandiose stage of dictatorship claim ownership of their children and Joe Biden wouldn’t do that to prove he would never do that Biden just this week released this video: “These are our kids these are our neighbors, not somebody else’s kids they’re all our kids and our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions (11:56) aloft. – it matters a great deal how we treat everyone in this country, LGBTQ Americans, especially children, you’re loved, you’re heard, and this Administration has your back.”

See Joe Biden isn’t saying your children belong to him like a dictator would he’s saying something very different from that he’s telling America’s children are, quote our children, not his alone ours. You share your children with Joe Biden evenly right down the middle with alternating weekends you’ve got joint custody with Joe Biden, and you can thank (12:30) heaven that you do.

A nation is like a family every family has a head and a father that’s Joe Biden, our nation’s father, and this, ladies, and gentlemen, is now his Fatherland just don’t call it a dictatorship, or we’ll have to issue a statement disavowing you know, the death of Jeffrey.

 Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation


This article was originally published at Stand Up America US

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