The United States is no longer a constitutional republic governed by the rule of law.

To paraphrase Founding Father and second President of the United States, John Adams, we do not have a government of laws, but a government of dangerous totalitarian men like Joe Biden and the people around him, who are formulating his unconstitutional edicts.

The time has come to heed the words of John Adams:

“Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

The lawless Biden regime and the Democrat-controlled Congress, having usurped power via a fraudulent election, wield that power without the consent of the governed.

The U.S. federal government, quite literally, has seceded from the American people.

It has become an entity unto itself operating outside of constitutional constraints and unaccountable to the citizens it claims to represent.

The Democrat Party has permanent control of the federal bureaucracy, which is composed of unelected officials, who have the power to comprehensively regulate our lives and punish us when we don’t comply.

Republicans play the role of court eunuchs.

The Republican Party has seceded from its voters and should be abandoned as a political vehicle capable of providing effective opposition to the Biden regime, the Democrats or the mainstream media. It too is a party of the oligarchy and the Deep State and has become unresponsive to its constituency.

In parallel, the mainstream media, now purely a propaganda machine, censors or manipulates the news in order to promote a partisan political agenda at the expense of both journalistic integrity and the well-being of the country.

Ordinary Americans need to recognize that we are without representative government.

Once elected, members of Congress serve only their own interests, and that of their party and its wealthy donors. Petitioning members of Congress for the redress of grievances is an exercise in futility.

Now that our elections have proven to be a sham and our political system has been shown to be hopelessly corrupt, Americans who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law must choose either to resist or to submit to a one-party totalitarian state.

Any country ruled by a small group without broad, popular participation by its citizens provides a basis for a political insurgency.

The objective of a political insurgency is to restore the Constitution as the basis of our government, in particular the 10th Amendment, which states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

That is, ordinary Americans must band together locally outside of the Democrat and Republican Party apparatus to restore the rule of law and establish alternate forms of governance accountable to the people.

Fundamental to that effort are the rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment. Each locality should establish an organized and disciplined militia with sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain independence and individual liberty from any outside entity that might attempt to abuse them.

Nations are lands defined by borders containing people with a common history, culture and language.

If the United States is to remain a sovereign nation with a restored constitutional republic, local governments need to preserve the critical elements of nationhood, now being systematically dismantled by the usurpers in Washington, D.C. Such measures include:

  • Securing our national borders,
  • Detaining and expelling all illegal aliens,
  • Declaring English the only official language,
  • Strictly enforcing Equal Opportunity, outlawing the teaching or promotion of critical race theory and multiculturalism,
  • Eliminating all discriminatory diversity and equity policies,
  • Establishing a simplified flat tax system for individuals and businesses to limit both the Internal Revenue Service and the impact of lobbyists,
  • Begin moving federal departments out of Washington D.C. to other locations in the country and hiring local employees,
  • Rebuilding from the ground up, the Department of Justice, the FBI and all intelligence agencies,
  • Restoring energy self-sufficiency,
  • Maintaining a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution,
  • Limiting Congressional terms to a total of 12 years either in the House of Representatives or the Senate or a combination thereof,
  • All current members of Congress who have exceeded the 12-year limit cannot run for reelection,
  • Removing all special benefits for members of Congress and government officials beyond those available to ordinary citizens,
  • With the exception of funds necessary for the defense of the nation, establish a yearly across-the-board 5% reduction in federal government funding with the immediate elimination of the Departments of Homeland Security, Energy, Education and the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • A yearly 10% reduction in foreign aid to be reinvested in the nation.

Ordinary Americans must band together and act now to restore the Constitution and the rule of law, to establish political and fiscal sanity and to return the government to the people.

Otherwise, our constitutional republic will be lost forever.

This article was originally published at The American Report

The views expressed in CCNS member articles are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS. They are the views of the authors, who are members of the CCNS.

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