“Americans will always do the right thing—after exhausting all the alternatives.” — Commonly credited to Winston Churchill
The voting situation has already become tense. Lawsuits are everywhere. Democrats are posing as election officials. Cheat-by-mail schemes by Democrats, and printing errors are causing thousands of ballots to disappear or remain uncountable. Ballots are being overcounted. Ballot box fires are being reported in several states. And, of course, voting by illegal aliens has affected almost every state. Thank you, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. As of September 2024, only five states are actively purging non-citizens from their voter rolls.
According to The Gateway Pundit, election integrity data analysts Tim Vetter from United Sovereign Americans and Phani Mantravadi from Check My Vote in Michigan assert they have evidence of 208,075 ballots cast by 82,674 voters. Based on their voter IDs, this indicates an excess of 125,428 votes cast. The discovery came from tracking the daily absentee voter rolls. The data was obtained by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Michigan Bureau of Elections. Both analysts have routinely checked each other’s work.
It seems the perps are using the same voter IDs over and over again. They are unsure whether the voters whose IDs are being used are even aware. It is not surprising that after a stunning analysis of the Michigan voter rolls, they found the Michigan voter rolls to be corrupt. The ghost voters could very well be legitimate voters that are unaware that their ID is being used to vote multiple times. As an example, one voter ID was used 29 times in Detroit and had 19 different addresses.
Since Michigan Secretary of State (SOS), Jocelyn Benson is responsible for voting in Michigan, she may be putting many innocent Michigan voters in deep trouble.
Tim Vetter has posed a question: “Did every clerk in Michigan frame these individuals, or did someone from the MI Secretary of State’s Bureau of Elections add all these votes?” How did these illegitimate additions find their way into the system?
In September 2024, the same data experts said 6,126 duplicate votes were cast in the August primary. Mysteriously, the votes disappeared after the story was reported. The Michigan Secretary of State has a habit of scrubbing voter rolls only after stories like that appear.
As Gateway Pundit reported, it is important to note that the voter’s name is the same on every record. Vetter explains, “This data indicates that multiple ballots were received at the same address and voted each time from multiple ballots.” It is also important to note that, as of Tuesday, the SOS scrubbed almost all of the duplicate votes. Michigan has serious election problems.
In California, Democrats hold on to their power like grim death. Gov. Newsom signed into law making it illegal to require voter identification. Believe it or not. The new law was in response to a Huntington Beach law requiring voter ID. Newsom prefers the ‘honor’ system. As a result, all California elections should be considered fraudulent. Elon Musk compared Newsom to the Joker in Batman.
CBS is reporting that Nevada County, California, a predominately Republican county is having trouble with their mail-in ballots due to a printing error. The county machines weren’t properly reading the ballots. It seems they discovered the bar codes were smeared, creating the error.
Another corrupt blue state is Colorado. Incredibly, the SOS, Jenna Griswold, shared over 600 BIOS passwords for election voting systems online in 63 of the 64 counties. On Thursday, October 24, 2024, the passwords were quietly removed. Without encryption or protection, anyone could have used the passwords. The file had been posted since August.
BIOS passwords are highly confidential and could be used by any knowledgeable hacker to manipulate election systems and data and to remove any trace of doing so (Joe Hoft News, Lindell Offense Fund). These passwords are supposed to be used only by a select few Department of State officials. Neither county clerks nor commissioners have access to them. At least in theory.
Washington, Oregon
Ballot boxes and a Postal Service mail box have mysteriously caught fire in three states: Washington, Oregon, and Arizona. Hundreds of ballots were either completely destroyed or badly damaged. The police say that the incidents in Washington and Oregon are connected. There is a report that the incendiary devices used had ‘Free Gaza’ marked on them.
Republicans and allied groups have led the charge in court, fighting ballot drop boxes, mail-in voting, and dirty voter rolls. The fight has been primarily in battleground states, where nearly 100 lawsuits have been filed.

Virginia just won a major lawsuit in the Supreme Court, which allowed the state to clean its voter rolls. Democrats did not want their voter rolls purged, knowing that many voters were illegal aliens. Apparently, the Democrats didn’t mind illegals voting since they fought the purge all the way to the Supreme Court. In a 6-3 decision, the court simply said that non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections.
Democrats insist their efforts are to expand voting rights. To Democrats, expanding voting rights means expanding the right to everyone, qualified or not. While Republicans say they want to protect every legal vote. The requirements for the right to vote were established many years ago. But the Left will not be pleased until 16-year-olds, illegal aliens, and every dead person can vote Democrat. That’s what the border crisis and these lawsuits are all about.
Republicans in Arizona have filed suits alleging that some voters have not provided adequate proof of citizenship. A judge has ordered Arizona to release a list of registered voters with unverified citizenship. The Arizona SOS has resisted disclosing the list, citing concerns that the individuals could face harassment. They claim the glitch is due to a coding problem. (Epoch Times) Gov. Hobbs has expanded the number of agencies that can determine rules governing voter registration, creating confusion. Arizonans no longer trust the election system in their state. Regardless of elections, their Democrat-led government is struggling to maintain its hold on power.
In Georgia, Democrats are suing to disallow the hand counting of votes in counties. A judge did block that rule. Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, says the state has been targeted with disinformation with all the earmarks of foreign meddling.
In Nevada, Republicans are fighting the counting of mail ballots received up to four days after the election.
In Pennsylvania, Republicans have sued over wrongly dated mail ballots, drop boxes, voter rolls, voting machines, provisional ballots, and widespread fraud. There is a report that 70% of mail-in ballots have been found to be fraudulent. That report is from district attorneys in Pennsylvania. Voters waiting in line to vote have been told to go home for no legitimate reason. Pennsylvania is also investigating fraudulent voter registration applications in Lancaster County. The applications contain mismatched signatures and inaccurate data. Paid canvassers filled out the applications in a previous large-scale operation. So far, 60% of the applications have been found to be fraudulent. (NBC)
In Wisconsin, the big story is drop boxes and voter rolls, and some counties have not hired enough GOP poll workers. An intriguing lawsuit from the Justice Department involves two counties that have banned the use of voting machines. Why would any federal agency not permit the use of paper ballots and hand counting?
It implies that Democrats are in full offense mode, while Republicans are in a defensive posture.
Voters in Tarrant County, Texas are reporting voting machines are flipping their votes from Trump to Harris. (Geller Report)
Kentucky voting machines are refusing to let voters select Donald Trump, automatically selecting Kamala Harris instead. (Geller Report)
Since the emergence of COVID in 2019, Democrats have diligently worked to drastically alter our voter laws to that of a circus. Early mail-in cheating, drop boxes, disallowing voter ID, the use of voter machines, federal interference, and motor voter laws that register illegals by the millions have all increased the chances of voter fraud. As such, Democrats are not going to change a thing.
Every state assures us that their elections are safe and secure. My comment to that would be filled with redacted cussing.
The election looks promising for Donald Trump. But what worries many of us is the continuing fraud from the Left, the hostility, the probable violent Democrat reaction to a Trump/Vance win, and the question: Will the blue states certify the election? If certified, will the Democrats, having already instilled a climate of hatred, fear, and animosity toward Trump, attempt to obstruct him from performing his duties and put his life in grave risk? Will they allow him to fix this country? Many respected pundits have stated that the Democrats will do anything to prevent Trump from becoming president. Let your mind wonder.
Trump voters will not only get Donald Trump. They will get one of the greatest teams in American history. They include Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk, RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek, and numerous others. The best of the best. They are funding their own transition team. They will work quickly. We will see results quickly.
Churchill was right. We will always do the right thing eventually, but unfortunately only after much corruption, pain, and the loss of confidence in our government. Will we remain a constitutional republic or become a banana republic? Our long walk down a dark road could be ending soon. Pray to God it does.
This article was published at Canada Free Press
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