Search: Paul Vallely

America at a Crossroads

Our Country is at a serious crossroads. We are losing our God-given Constitutional America, and it is being stolen from us by Marxist Democrats. It can no longer be denied that the Democrat party is deliberately involved in destroying America with the explicit intention of replacing our Republic with a…

Biden, America’s Dilemma

Joe Biden has become our nation’s great embarrassment. If term limits had been in effect years ago, Joe would have been weeded out long before the “Peter Principle raised him to the dangerous position he now holds. Long have public service employees recognized the only way to get idiots out…

The “Deep State”

In the United States, the term “deep state” is often used to describe influential decision-making bodies within government, which are relatively permanent and whose policies and long-term plans are unaffected by changing administrations. The term is typically used critically to refer to the lack of influence popular democracy has on…

The Rise of Corruption in Congress

The rise of corruption in Congress did not happen overnight. It has been a long time coming. It has accompanied the long march by the radical left through the academic community that has corrupted American values, dishonored American heritage, and defiled American exceptionalism. In the last Century, we have witnessed…

What’s Wrong at West Point?

By Board of Directors, MacArthur Society Today, in 2024, the United States Military Academy is a uniformed liberal arts college with a required ROTC program.  Its recent graduates are indistinguishable from other Army officers except for their large college rings.  It is infected, as almost all of academia is, with the…

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