Search: Lawrence Sellin

Links between the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and China’s People’s Liberation Army

On September 29, 2021, Duke University’s One Health Initiative, headed by Gregory C. Gray, closed its doors and moved to the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB).   One Health is a globalist program to place all aspects of public health under a World Health Organization umbrella, an effort strongly endorsed by the Chinese…

The Shocking Facts About the Continuing Cover-up of COVID-19’s Laboratory Origin by the U.S. Government and Colluding Scientists

Yesterday, on October 21, 2022, The Gateway Pundit published an article describing a recent scientific study, “Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which stated that the COVID-19 virus is synthetic. The authors’ conclusion was based upon an analysis of the restriction sites, the “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed…

CONCLUSIVE: COVID-19 Was Made in a Laboratory – Without a Reckoning, Even More Deadly Pandemics Are in Our Future

A blockbuster scientific article, published on October 20, 2022, analyzed the restriction sites of COVID-19, which are “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed in the laboratory. According to the authors, COVID-19 “has the restriction site fingerprint that is typical for synthetic viruses.” That synthetic fingerprint found in COVID-19 is not…

Is China Secretly Operating Inside the Hawaiian Real Estate Market Under the Noses of the U.S. military?

The following article contains information from inside the Chinese Communist Party matched against publicly available sources. A July 2022 article in The Federalist noted that buyers from the People’s Republic of China purchased $6.1 billion in real estate last year, many of those purchases have been of farmland or ranchland near U.S. military bases.…

Chinese Biotech Firm with Deep Links to China’s Military and its COVID-19 Program Just Bought Land in Florida for a Massive Research Complex

Chinese Biotech firm with deep links to China’s military and its COVID-19 program just bought land in Florida for a massive research complex. In July 2022, a Chinese biological research company, JOINN Laboratories, bought 1,400 acres of rural farmland in Morriston, Florida, primarily for a non-human primate (monkey) breeding and…

How Immigrant Chinese Scientists and American Useful Idiots Facilitate Chinese Communist Propaganda in the U.S.

In late January and early February of 2020, U.S. government officials, including Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, colluded with a select group of U.S. scientists led by Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance to promote the Chinese Communist Party’s narrative that the COVID-19 virus was a…

Will Dangerous Wuhan Institute of Virology Experiments Now be Done in Downtown Boston?

With over 600 million COVID-19 cases and 6.4 million deaths, scientists, who may be implicated as contributors to its laboratory creation and participants in a cover-up of its laboratory origin, continue to be rewarded rather than aggressively investigated. In August 2022, the EcoHealth Alliance and Boston University jointly announced receiving a $1 million grant…

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