CCNS member Allen West had a wide ranging conversation on the Alex Nitzberg Show. You can watch it here:
CCNS member Allen West, a retired congressman and Army Colonel, talks about straying from the military mission with gender ideology and Pride Month activities, and what it is doing to military readiness and morale.
The U.S. Marine Corps is facing fire from high-ranking retired officers as the outgoing commandant passes on responsibility to implement his radical changes to new leadership, according to experts and a review of arguments by current and retired Marines. A secretive group of retired Marine Corps generals, including two previous…
Pride: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Ex. The team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory. We have entered the month of…
CCNS member Allen West, a former congressman and retired Lt. Col, was on Real America’s Voice with Steve Gruber You can watch that interview here
CCNS member Allen West was on Real America’s Voice with Steve Gruber to discuss the situation at the U.S. southern border, where was recently. Also, how the alleged killer of five people in Cleveland, Texas was able to be the country. Allen West is a former congressman and retired Lt.…
CCNS member Allen West was on Real America’s Voice with Steve Gruber to discuss whether Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News was over his coverage of what happened on Jan. 6, or was it other issues. Allen West is a former congressman and retired Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army.…
Saudi-Iranian diplomatic relations *Riyadh does not allow the resumption of the Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties to befog the reality of the tenuous and shifty Middle East regimes, policies and agreements, and the inherently subversive, terroristic, anti-Sunni and imperialistic track record of Iran’s Ayatollahs. *Saudi Arabia is cognizant of the 1,400-year-old fanatic,…
CCNS member Allen West, also a former U.S. congressman and retired U.S. Army Lt. Col., discussed America’s decline under Joe Biden, including the loss of respect for the U.S. around the globe, and our lack of military readiness, as Iran, China and Russia seek to undermine the U.S. He was…
CCNS member and retired Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army Ret.) was on Real America’s Voice with Steve Gruber discussing the possibility of a gag order on former President Trump following his indictment and arraignment. They compared the case to the John Edwards case and the Hillary Clinton/ Steele…
Israel’s proposed Judiciary Reform ranks very low on President Biden’s order of priorities, far below scores of pressing domestic, foreign and national security threats and challenges. Therefore, he has not studied the various articles of the reform, but leverages the explosive Israeli domestic controversy as a means to intensify pressure…
It’s the vast middle-class, the strength and backbone of America and much of the Western world, that will be turned sideways. There are no coincidences I took part in private investigations for a number of years and having done so learned early on that there are no coincidences. In June,…