“The people who cast the votes decide nothing, The people who count the votes decide everything. “Attributed to Joseph Stalin

With the flimsy excuse of voter access and the ‘preservation of democracy’, voters continue to suspect Democrats of voter fraud, whether through ‘lawful’ acts or deceit.

By lawful acts, I mean states, in their declared desire to have maximum voter access, have dropped all presumption of common sense. Almost every state Kamala Harris won either has no ID requirement or the provision is so lax as to be nonexistent. Out of the 19 states that Harris won, 18 of them do not require a photo ID to vote. Coincidence?

I can’t believe I have to say this, but these days, common sense is no longer a given. It’s no longer common

The mainstream media will say that is not true, but it is. For instance, USA Today said that Colorado, Washington, Virginia, Connecticut, and Delaware have strict voter ID requirements. Do they? In those states, an ID is ‘requested’, but no photo is required. A photo ID is the only convenient and positive way to identify someone. I can’t believe I have to say this, but these days, common sense is no longer a given. It’s no longer common.

States such as California, Oregon, Washington, and others that do not require any form of identification to vote inherently do not have honest elections. We can write them off as being inherently fraudulent for any national or state election.

States like Nevada and Pennsylvania either had photo ID on the ballot or passed legislation to that effect. Pennsylvania enacted a strict voter ID law in 2012, but remarkably, their Supreme Court struck it down. It’s as if Democrat states have lost all sound judgment and rationality. Fortunately, Trump won both states. States that were hit hard by the Biden administration.

Something unsavory is going on in Arizona. In 2022, governor candidate Kari Lake accused election officials of fraud. Much of the accusations centered around Maricopa County, the most populous county in Arizona. Kari accused them of deliberately causing issues with ballot printers, manipulating 60% of the vote tabulators, causing 4-hour wait times, disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters and failing to verify signatures on mail ballots as required by law. The Arizona Supreme Court also turned down a request for Ms. Lake’s staff to examine ballot envelopes for 1.3 million voters.

In the 2022 midterms, Democrats handily won the Arizona elections. On Election Day, 2022, Maricopa election officials sent the wrong-sized paper to their precincts, shutting down all voting in metro areas, especially in deep-red precincts. Democrats picked up over 50% of the vote despite showing only a 17% turnout! Following Election Day, 25,000 ballots mysteriously turned up. Unexplained to this day. (Gateway Pundit)

Two years later, Kari Lake is vying for the Senate, and she’s facing additional challenges. On Sunday, five days after the 2024 election, Maricopa dumped 120,423 ballots in two batches, increasing Reuben Gallego’s lead to over 66,000 votes. The first was 23,169 votes, with 55% for Gallego and 41% for Lake. The second batch received 97,254 votes, with Gallego getting 54% and Lake getting 40%, bringing Gallego’s lead to over 66,000 votes.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, the night before was mysteriously similar, with 42% for Lake and 54% for Gallego. These votes came in just as the vote was going in Kari Lake’s direction and was expected to continue. What is even more frustrating is that we are told to believe that a good many Arizona voters, over 100,000, voted for Trump and also an open borders, Marxist for the Senate.

The numbers appear to have just flipped. Why would Arizona take so long to count votes? Are they producing ballots as they need them?

It is important to note that Arizona’s top election official, Stephen Richer, hates Kari Lake with passion. He contemplated running for the senate just to “make life hell for Kari Lake” and admitted to being anti-Trump.

Hundreds of thousands of ballots did not have chain of custody documentation

On Friday, November 8, 2024, Kari Lake filed a lawsuit to nullify the 2022 election. The lawsuit is against Maricopa election officials and Governor Katie Hobbs.

A Runbeck Election Services whistleblower has revealed that hundreds of thousands of ballots did not have chain of custody documentation. This is strangely similar to a previous finding that hundreds of thousands of 2020 election ballots also had no chain of custody documentation. Another whistleblower from Runbeck reports the addition of 25,000 unaccounted-for ballots to the 2024 vote. Runbeck is a company used by municipalities across the country to outsource election operations. (Just The News)

Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem anticipates arrests, not only in Maricopa County but also in other areas.

As of November 14, the senate race in Arizona has been called for the Democrat Reuben Gallego with 50.1% of the vote.

Why does it take so long for Arizona to count votes? Why do they always seem to have ‘unexpected’ delays? Arizona’s Senate race took almost 10 days to count. In just 4 days, the state declared Trump the winner.

Arizona apparently has a political machine, and that machine controls election results as far as they can get away with it. With just over 4 million registered voters in the entire state, the process of counting votes appears to take anywhere from a week to 10 days, and they consistently face significant challenges in doing so. The longer the counting takes, the more opportunity for fraud.

In another state, Republican Wisconsin Senate candidate Eric Hovde broke his silence after 90% of the 4 AM Milwaukee ballot dump favored his Democrat opponent. (Gateway Pundit)

Contrary to what most mainstream media people say, election fraud is still a problem in this country

Contrary to what most mainstream media people say, election fraud is still a problem in this country. An intriguing claim that the AP reported is that Joe Biden received 20 million more votes in the 2020 election than Harris received in the 2024 race. Observers say that either Trump stole his way to a 2024 win or the 2020 election was fraudulent. Well, no #! The Associated Press would say that it must be the former because widespread fraud in the 2020 election had been debunked countless times.

Such nonsense. Despite the abundance of fraud evidence, neither the federal nor state governments, nor the courts, took the time to examine it. It was a classic case of the three monkeys. And with COVID-19 having been released, there was plenty of distraction to hide behind. Someone or some group made a decision and carried it out.

The middle class in America fought back. The over $30,000/year and under $100,000/year voters overwhelmingly voted for Trump and they also made significant gains in nearly every demographic group. And must I say this? Voters don’t give a hoot what celebrities think, if they think at all. The screenshot above clearly illustrates the correlation between the lack of voter ID and the outcome of that state’s election. It says clearly that the vote was even worse for Harris than the Democrats could have imagined.

I will give Democrats credit for their passion for getting their way in spite of common sense, voters, or legality. But it’s a dark road they tread.

This article was published at Canada Free Press

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