Governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida have both been following through on their pledges to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities, whose leaders have told us repeatedly that they welcome illegals and want to help them resettle in their locales.

But wait! Now that Governors Abbott and DeSantis have helpfully sent several busloads and planeloads of just such illegal border crashers to Chicago, New York City, Washington, D.C., and most recently, Martha’s Vineyard, it turns out the locals aren’t all that happy about it. Turns out, the hypocritical liberal elites that run these places really don’t want even a fraction of the numbers in their (spacious) backyards that have been overrunning border states like Arizona and Texas for the last 18 months and more.

The most recent example was when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes with 50 illegals to Martha’s Vineyard the week of 12 September 2022. The squawking from the locals was immediate and deafening. And despite there reportedly being literally dozens of Airbnb properties open for rent (not to mention any number of multi-million dollar properties boasting numerous bedrooms), Martha’s Vineyard folks protested a “housing crisis”, claiming the uber wealthy island simply didn’t have the infrastructure to support a mere 50 additional individuals.

The National Guard was called and they responded quickly. Within 48 hours of their arrival, those illegal aliens (mostly from Venezuela) had been herded onto buses and shipped off to Joint Base Cape Cod on the Massachusetts mainland.

In Chicago and Washington, D.C., the squawking was no less intense. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a “state of emergency” and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot promptly hustled migrants onto a bus out of her city and out to a Republican suburb. President Joe Biden chimed in to declare that sending illegals to Democrat sanctuary cities was simply “wrong” and “un-American”. He added that his administration has a “process in place to manage migrants at the border”.

What Biden neglected to mention, though, is that his open border policies have allowed some 2 million illegal aliens to enter the U.S. in FY 22 alone. Many of those were then loaded onto U.S. government secret charter flights and flown all over the country. More than 70 such flights landed in Jacksonville, FL in 2021. Likewise left unsaid is anything about the hundreds who die trying to make the trip to the U.S. border or are raped and abused along the way, then literally sold into servitude to pay off the cartels that manage the traffic across our southern border.

This is human trafficking, carried out by the U.S. government. It must be stopped.

This column was originally published at Defend the Border and Save Lives

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