U.S. ARMY MAJOR GENERAL PAUL VALLELY, (Ret.) speaks out on caches of weapons found by police at violent riots across the country.  Police intelligence units have uncovered encrypted walkie-talkie communications as well as social media postings of BLM and other anarchist groups, including jihadists, on specific locations for delivery of weapons and projectiles.

In addition, the Major General brings us up-to-date on China’s terror ties and the Belt and Road Initiative into Afghanistan as well as possible military action by the United States together with U.S. allies concerning China’s threats to invade the Democratic country of Taiwan.  Satellite photographs have revealed that the People’s Liberation Army, PLA, has constructed a full-scale replica of Taiwan’s presidential palace at a Chinese military base identified in state media as the Zhurihe Combined Tactics Training Base. The model is said to be used by PLA troops preparing to take control of Taipei ….  Learn more.


The Denice Gary Show

U.S. ARMY MAJOR GENERAL PAUL VALLELY, (Ret.) speaks out on caches of weapons found by police at violent riots across the country. Police intelligence units have uncovered encrypted walkie-talkie communications as well as social media postings of BLM and other anarchist groups, including jihadists, on specific locations for delivery of weapons and projectiles. In addition, the Major General brings us up-to-date on China's terror ties and the Belt and Road Initiative into Afghanistan as well as possible military action by the United States together with U.S. allies concerning China's threats to invade the Democratic country of Taiwan. Satellite photographs have revealed that the People's Liberation Army, PLA, has constructed a full-scale replica of Taiwan’s presidential palace at a Chinese military base identified in state media as the Zhurihe Combined Tactics Training Base. The model is said to be used by PLA troops preparing to take control of Taipei …. Learn more.

Posted by The Denice Gary Show on Monday, June 29, 2020


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