September 17th was the 232d anniversary of the document that formed the world’s longest-running Constitutional Republic, our America.

The challenge for us today is to thwart the rising tide of tyranny — called progressive socialism — which seeks to fundamentally transform our Republic.

Sadly we don’t teach our Constitution by way of Civics, therefore, new generations arise who can be easily swayed, manipulated. Ours is a Constitution that codifies the preeminence of the rights, liberties, and freedoms of the individual over the institution of government. Our Constitution is our rule of law, and reigns supreme over ideological agendas.

As Benjamin Franklin said 232 years ago, “you have a Republic if you can keep it.”

Happy Birthday to the Constitution of the United States of America, for which I took an oath to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Yep, that includes the progressive socialist left which seeks to undermine our rule of law, the Constitution.


This article originally appeared on The Old School Patriot.

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