In a column this past weekend by Washington Times columnist Robert Knight, titled “AOC and her communist buddies embrace a COVID-19 world,” he cites a Special Report by Clare Lopez, written for the Citizens Commission on National Security:
Two theories are circulating about the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The media are still selling the idea that it probably arose from an infected bat at an outdoor live-animal food market in Wuhan. That’s also the Chinese Communist Party’s line.
The media don’t want people thinking that communist researchers at the Wuhan Virology Institute’s BSL-4 lab might have been directly responsible.
However, the most plausible scenario is that the virus was, indeed, cooked up in the lab. Former CIA officer Clare Lopez makes that case in her April 20 article “Made in China” for the Citizens Commission on National Security.
And on May 1, Join Trevor Loudon And Stand Against Communism For Livestream Conference On May 1st! The conference includes two members of the CCNS, Allen West and Clare Lopez.
Join Bishop E.W. Jackson, author Jerry Corsi, Rev. Rafael Cruz, former CIA agent Clare Lopez, Colonel Allen West, and film-maker Trevor Loudon for a free Stand Against Communism Livestream conference May 1, 12 pm Eastern Time.
To attend the free event, join on Facebook or YouTube.
Also, Clare Lopez will be participating in a Zoom Webinar tonight, April 30, at 7:30 ET. The title is “We Must Reopen Maryland and the Nation NOW!”
You can sign up for it here
Participants include:

Benjamin Nieuwsma — CEO & Founder NAVIGO, Inc., a global risk analysis company which has supported customers across 95 countries. Benjamin is the creator of the new RestartNOW! tool that provides a county-based cost/benefit risk analysis for reopening economies from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jim Simpson — Candidate, U.S. Congress, Maryland District 2. Successful businessman, economist, author, journalist and speaker, Jim got his start at the White House Office of Management and Budget under presidents Reagan, H.W. Bush and Clinton.
The views expressed by CCNS members are the views of the individual members, and are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS.