
The National Security Alert – Episode 14 – with Clare Lopez on Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood and other threats to the U.S.

CCNS member Clare Lopez and former CIA officer was interviewed for the National Security Alert by Roger Aronoff at CPAC last month. They discussed Iran, specifically about the Biden administration’s determination to bring back the JCPOA, the so-called Iran nuclear deal. Also, Clare discusses Iran’s role in 9/11, something that…


The late Admiral James “Ace” Lyons Memorial Day comments from 2017

Our dearly beloved and respected Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, a founding member of both the Citizens Commission on Benghazi and the Citizens Commission on National Security, spoke at the Rolling Thunder annual gathering on Memorial Day weekend five years ago this week. He spoke of the importance of this holiday,…


Source inside China: COVID-19 was deliberately released – Interview with Lawrence Sellin [Video]

In an interview with the Two Mikes, Dr. Lawrence Sellin, a member of the Citizens Commission on National Security, describes a report by a source inside China, who had knowledge of the Chinese military’s plans for non-human primate laboratory tests and a test release of COVID-19 during the Oct 2019…


The U.S. Scientific Establishment Conducted De Facto COVID-19 Briefings for the Chinese Military in May 2020

The US scientific establishment held calls with Chinese counterparts in May last year regarding the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19).  The problem is, the Chinese on the calls are connected to the Chinese military. In a previous article, I described how, in February 2020, the U.S. National Academy of Science and some members…


New Evidence Shows U.S. Government and the American Scientific Establishment Involved in Cover-Up of COVID-19’s Origin

International financial interests and the global scientific establishment have never wanted the true source of the COVID-19 virus to be revealed, despite the fact that its laboratory origin was suspected early after the onset of the pandemic. There is now evidence that elements within the U.S. government coordinated with selected…


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