Articles by CCNS Members

WOKE Capitalism and Corporate Social Justice

“Woke is a political term of African American origin that refers to a perceived awareness of issues concerning justice and racial justice. It is derived from the African American Vernacular English expression “stay woke”, whose grammatical aspect refers to a continuing awareness of these issues.”[1] Woke Capitalism focuses on corporations that capitalize on the…


How China’s Military Colonized U.S. Research Programs and Siphoned Off U.S. Taxpayer Funding

How China’s military colonized U.S. research programs and siphoned off U.S. taxpayer funding It went virtually unreported, but the firing of a Chinese tenured professor by a major U.S. university provides one case study about the People’s Liberation Army infiltration of U.S. laboratories and the“laundering” of U.S. taxpayer dollars to…


Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program

The National Institutes of Health funds China’s biowarfare program in ways similar to shell companies laundering money. It is now an indisputable scientific fact that the COVID-19 virus was created in a laboratory in China and that work was linked to China’s biowarfare program. There is also an abundance of evidence that funding from…


Manchurian Candidates: Chinese Communist Party influencers have Infiltrated the Highest Levels of U.S. and Western Governments

The Gateway Pundit has published articles (here, here, here, here and here) describing “scientific chain migration,” whereby the Chinese Communist Party has been sending its scientists to the United States, not just to access American knowledge, skills and technologies, but to colonize U.S. university, corporate and government laboratories. Today the U.S. scientific community is a…


In the End, It Will Be the Decision of the American People to Fight for our Constitutional Republic or Submit to Tyranny – The Time Is Now

If You Are Not Yet Convinced Of The Need For A Second American Revolution, Then Read This The following are the annotated statements of Founding Father Samuel Adams from his article “The Rights of the Colonists” in The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting, Nov.…


One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State

Creating state guards to defend the Constitution and fight back against the Deep State may be necessary to defend American freedom. At this moment in American history, there is no more important battle than to preserve the Second Amendment, increase state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment and oppose tyranny by…


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