Articles by CCNS Members

Links between the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and China’s People’s Liberation Army

On September 29, 2021, Duke University’s One Health Initiative, headed by Gregory C. Gray, closed its doors and moved to the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB).   One Health is a globalist program to place all aspects of public health under a World Health Organization umbrella, an effort strongly endorsed by the Chinese…


Methods that the Chinese Communist Party Uses to Colonize the United States

Unlike the massive invasion of the United States by illegal aliens across our southern border, a deliberate policy perpetrated by the Biden regime, China has conducted what one could describe as a slow-motion invasion over decades, which began with the “Opening” of China under the Nixon Administration and accelerated thereafter.…


The Shocking Facts About the Continuing Cover-up of COVID-19’s Laboratory Origin by the U.S. Government and Colluding Scientists

Yesterday, on October 21, 2022, The Gateway Pundit published an article describing a recent scientific study, “Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which stated that the COVID-19 virus is synthetic. The authors’ conclusion was based upon an analysis of the restriction sites, the “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed…


How China Uses the Real Estate Industry to Support Its Espionage and Subversion Against the United States

Over the last four decades, China has de facto colonized the United States with a cadre of business and academic professionals, who, although becoming U.S. citizens, have remained loyal to the Chinese Communist Party. A key element supporting China’s espionage and subversive activities in the U.S. is the real estate…


CONCLUSIVE: COVID-19 Was Made in a Laboratory – Without a Reckoning, Even More Deadly Pandemics Are in Our Future

A blockbuster scientific article, published on October 20, 2022, analyzed the restriction sites of COVID-19, which are “cutting and pasting” markers for viruses constructed in the laboratory. According to the authors, COVID-19 “has the restriction site fingerprint that is typical for synthetic viruses.” That synthetic fingerprint found in COVID-19 is not…


Elected Positions of State and County Levels of Government: Violations of Oath and Negligence of Duty

It is disgraceful and truly embarrassing what is occurring in our cities, towns, and neighborhoods across the United States of America. Twelve major cities recently reported to have broken their annual homicide records. If you follow that statistic, you will find that very radical thinking officials and the Criminal Justice…


Retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): The CCP Has Hijacked American Tech Giants

The CCP Has Hijacked American Tech Giants “The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the preeminence of free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of…


WOKEISM and Corporate Social Justice (Part 2)

(This was Part 1) Woke Capitalism focuses on corporations and organizations that capitalize on the stir and social popularity of social -driven movements to achieve “unknown ends.” Some would say, “Pretty self-explanatory as it is, woke capitalism refers to the capitalist, profit driven approach followed by corporations— capitalizing on the stir and…


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