
*Middle East policy should be shaped by Middle East reality, irrespective of its unpredictability and lack of intra-Arab/Muslim peaceful coexistence. It should not be shaped by Western Conventional Wisdom, despite its much more convenient and peaceful alternate reality, which is based on western values.

*Western Conventional Wisdom assumes that “money talks,” ignoring the supremacy of Islam and Islamic ideologies over financial inducements.

*Western Conventional Wisdom is enthralled with the Palestinian Authority moderate talk, while all pro-Western Arab leaders are preoccupied with the Palestinian walk, which has transformed the Palestinians into a role model of intra-Arab subversion, terrorism and treachery.

*Constructive negotiation may take place only between entities whose visions do not require the elimination of one another. Thus, peace accords were successfully negotiated between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and South Sudan, and Israel-Saudi cooperation has been exceptionally productive.

*While Western policy makers should avoid, rather than repeat, critical mistakes, Israel should be aware of the failed Western Conventional Wisdom in the Middle East, while assessing Western recommendations/pressure.


© 2024 Citizens Commission on National Security

© 2024 Citizens Commission on National Security