The Forum of Young Global Leaders, or Young Global Leaders (YGL), was created by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. The YGL, a non-profit organization managed from Geneva, Switzerland, is under the supervision of the Swiss government.

The program was founded as part of the World Economic Forum in 1993 under the name “Global Leaders for Tomorrow” and was renamed Young Global Leaders in 2004. Schwab created the group with 1 million won from the Dan David Prize, and the inaugural 2005 class comprised 237 young leaders.

Representing 70 different nations, Young Global Leaders are nominated by alumni to serve six-year terms and are subject to veto during the selection process. Candidates must be younger than 38 years old at the time of acceptance (meaning active YGLs are 44 and younger), and highly accomplished in their fields. Over the years, there have been hundreds of honorees, including several celebrities and recognized high achievers and innovators in politics, business, academia, media, and the arts.

Michelle Rempel, a Canadian Conservative politician, says she found out she had been selected as a Young Global Leader in 2016 with an email that she thought was spam, and described a 2017 meeting as “no different in feel from an academic conference, if a bit more global in nature and with more high-profile politicians and CEOs in attendance.

In 2007, Young Global Leaders initiated a program called Table for Two aimed at preventing both malnutrition in developing countries and obesity in developed ones. In 2010, Young Global Leader WIKI founder Jimmy Wales and Operation HOPE founder John Hope Bryant (another Young Global Leader) joined Karim Hajj, president of the Casablanca Stock Exchange, to form the Wikied-Operation HOPE Global Money Initiative, which translated a curriculum of personal financial empowerment into local North African dialects of French and Arabic.1

More broadly, the Young Global Leaders community is working towards five collective goals to be achieved by 2021. These included efforts to conserve land and water, connect refugees to the global economy, and address health issues experienced by billions worldwide.

Over the past five years, more than 1,500 companies, organizations, and governments have improved the circularity of their business models through this program. “Becoming a YGL wasn’t an award for past accomplishments, but an invitation to start a new journey committed to helping make the world a better place.”

Klaus Schwab, the ringmaster of festivities at the World Economic Forum in Davos, has been known to tell underlings that he anticipates one day receiving a Nobel Peace Prize. In a surprise to no one else, Oslo has yet to ring. Schwab’s most significant accomplishment is decidedly entrepreneurial. He has developed the Forum from an earnest meeting of policy wonks into a glittering assembly of the world’s wealthiest people. He has achieved this by ingratiating himself with those who wield power, especially the billionaire class—a tribe known as Davos Man. Schwab has constructed a refuge for the outlandishly wealthy, an exclusive zone where they are free to pursue deals and sundry shenanigans while enjoying the cover of participating in a virtuous undertaking. Their mere presence in Davos at the Forum signals their empathy and sensitivity.

In the prevailing pantomime, Davos Man intends to channel his intellect and compassion toward solving the great crises of the age. He might have retreated to his mountaintop palace in Jackson Hole or his yacht moored off Mykonos, but he is too obsessed with rescuing the poor and sparing humanity from the ravages of climate change.

So he is in Davos—paying fees reaching several hundred thousand dollars a year for a Forum membership, plus tens of thousands more per head to attend the meeting—posing for photos with Bono, congratulating Bill Gates on his philanthropic exploits, tweeting out inspirational quotes from Deepak Chopra, and still finding time to buttonhole that sovereign wealth chieftain from Abu Dhabi in pursuit of investment for his luxury-goods mall in Singapore.2

In truth, Davos Man has pillaged the global economy, exploiting workers, plundering housing and health care, and dismantling government programs while transferring the bounty to his personal bank accounts tucked in jurisdictions beyond the reach of any pain-in-the-# tax collector. The resulting inequality constitutes a potent threat to peace, a source of mass grievance that has helped propel anti-democratic populists to prominence around much of the globe.

Yet the fact that Schwab appears to believe in his credentials as a moral figure worthy of a Nobel speaks to his faith in the effectiveness of his creation. Like the people, he gathers annually in the Alps or at least virtually during the pandemic. Schwab exemplifies the force of pious words as prophylactic against the consequences of unsavory deeds. The World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, let the mask slip last week when he stated in an interview which nation he believes is a “role model” for the rest of the world.

According to Fox News, in an interview with Chinese state-affiliated media during an APEC CEO Summit in Bangkok, Schwab says he sees the Chinese system as a “role model” for other nations. “I think it’s a role model for many countries,” he said. While clarifying that each country needs to make its own decisions, Schwab did say that “the Chinese model is certainly a beautiful model for quite several countries.”

What part of the Chinese system Schwab admired needed to be stated, which naturally leads one to wonder exactly what it is about the Chinese model that prompts his admiration. Frankly, nothing should be appealing to Americans about living under a Chinese-style system. China is a one-party communist state with absolutely no fundamental freedoms whatsoever.3

Now you know Klaus Schwab – the proponent of one world, no borders, global rule. Tyranny has been brought to the world by evil, satanic people like Schwab and his followers.

Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation. Contact:

1 World Economic Forum Website 2019

2 Vanity Fair, January 20,2020

3 The Western Journal Peter Partoll 11.26.22

This column was originally published at Canada Free Press

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