It has been 17 years since the Islamic jihadists conducted their terrorist attack on America, 11 September, 2001, killing almost 3,000 innocent Americans who were doing nothing more than going to work.  What was the ideology that drove these Islamic jihadists to carry out such atrocious acts?  Our political and military leadership who have been thoroughly indoctrinated in “political correctness” still remain incapable of identifying the ideology and the enemy.  Clearly, the plague of jihadi terrorism has its roots in Islam.  However, due to our former president’s obfuscation of the scriptures of Islam found in the Quran and Shariah law, which drive jihadi terrorism, he has facilitated the spread of Islam and its supremacists’ ideology.

Continuing the use of terms like “countering violent extremism and workplace violence,” is nothing more than perpetuating the Obama administration’s propaganda, which only confuses the American public’s understanding of the true nature of the threat.  The jihadists have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the core canonical beliefs of Islam as written in the Suras (chapters) of the Quran, which drives their violence.  It certainly is not for a lack of a job or educational opportunities, which is part of the progressives’ nonsense propaganda.   Further, using the term “radical Islam” to describe jihadi terrorism implies that there is some “moderate” form of Islam.  Regrettably, that is not the case, nor have the jihadists hijacked Islam.

The Islamic leader of Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it best when he was Prime Minister: there is no “moderate Islam.”  Islam is Islam!  Democracy is the train we ride to achieve our ultimate objective, which is a world dominated by Islam.  He couldn’t have said it any plainer.

To further complicate matters, another part of the problem can be traced to respected religious leaders like Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama, who continue to promote the Islamic propaganda through their vast communication networks that “authentic” Islam is opposed to terrorism and that Islam is a religion of peace!  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The worst six words President G.W. Bush ever uttered were, “Islam is a religion of peace.”  There are 109 verses in the Quran where Muslims are commanded to engage the infidels in combat.  It is an obligation for all Muslims to conduct jihad against the infidels.   No appeasement or civil works project will change that obligation.  We have wasted billions of dollars on such projects, but it has no impact on the core jihadist’s outlook.

The second reason lies in the successful propaganda campaign led by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and their front groups, e.g., the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), et al, which have penetrated most of our government security and intelligence agencies, including the White House.  The so-called progressives continue to ignore the MB creed which was exposed in the Dallas 2008 Holy Land Foundation Hamas terrorist funding trial.  In short, the MB creed is to conduct silent jihad (non-violent) as the primary means to destroy America from within by our own miserable hands, and replace our Constitution with Shariah law.  Under both the G.W. Bush and Obama administrations, they have been most successful in silencing anyone, especially our military, who tried to expose Islam as the ideology that jihadists follow in carrying out their terrorist attacks by calling them racists or Islamaphobic, a term conjured up by the MB.

The senior jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood, cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has stated that neither the Quran nor Shariah law can be amended to conform to changing human values and standards.  His view is that the Quran and Shariah law present the absolute norm to which all human values and conduct must conform.  The late political scientist, Samuel Huntington, pointed out that Islam is totally incompatible with Western culture and traditions.  They can never “co-exist.”  Islam is at war with the West.  It is a clash of civilizations.

Even Alexis de Tocqueville, the French philosopher, commented after studying the Quran in 1838 that it not only encourages but commands a holy war against all infidels, as well as the necessity for obeying the Prophet Mohammed.  This is what drives the Islamic State and its splinter groups today.  Its members believe everything should be done as it was during the reign of the prophet, the perfect man.

If Alexis de Tocqueville were able to see what is happening in Europe today, he would be rolling over in his grave.  He would not understand today’s leaders in Europe, or for that matter in North America, with their appeasement and leftist ideology.  He would see the acceptance of millions of Muslim refugees, most of whom are males of military age, into Europe as a “Muslim invasion.”  Very few of these Muslim refugees assimilate into their host countries’ customs or traditions.

We have experienced a similar situation in the United States.  We have witnessed the impact of Muslims forcing the tenets of Islam into our education system while at the same time degrading our customs and heritage.  Clearly, this must be stopped.  Our borders must be made secure and a moratorium placed on further Muslim immigration into the United States.  Our training manuals for both our military and law enforcement agencies that were previously purged under the Obama administration must be restored so that military and law enforcement personnel properly understand the threat and the enemy.  It is Islam, which is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination masquerading as a religion.  Until this is understood, we will not be successful in defeating the enemy.

This column was originally published at


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