Guest Editorial:

How do you push the attempted assassination of Donald Trump story off the pages of the news? Israel’s devastating attack on Yemen didn’t do it; the rapidly changing political scene in Europe didn’t, Oh, I know, stab Joe Biden in the back! We saw it coming, not when or how, but it happened, so, what’s changed, Democrats replacing one idiot with another? It’s like holding a dead cat in their hands; Democrats are left with solving the Kamala Harris problem. Her poll numbers are lower than Joe’s, so can we expect their upcoming Convention, if it’s not a sad event draped in black bunting, to be an exciting one with laughter and gunfire coming from all sides? Will there be violence? We wait with bated breath! By the way, the money powers behind the radical Left will select the next Democrat contender. They see that dead cat and are looking to 2028 and will cut their losses this time. As to the Trump shooting, we wonder if elements of Joe Biden’s government were involved. Is Joe Biden still alive, or did he die of shock when Pelosi and Chuckie Boy told him he had to quit?

It’s been a rough time lately! We’ve seen our champion, former president Donald Trump, burdened by the ‘lawfare’ of a corrupt Democrat-run government accused of multiple silly crimes specifically manufactured for the single purpose of preventing him from achieving his second term, suddenly drop off the radar. We’ve seen him successfully defending himself from the Democrat machine. We’ve seen him survive an assassination attempt, despite the clumsy efforts of a failed Secret Service protection detail, by a dedicated assassin about whom all we know is from the initial news reporting gathered on that first day from on-hand sources at the scene and sporadically reported throughout the day and after the event occurred.

So, Joe’s on his way out, and good riddance. Is Kamala all that’s left for them? Yes, perhaps, but the death threats to Trump remain, and we can’t drop the ball on that. If it happens, it will happen instantly when we’re not looking, and the shock will be unpredictable. Will it spell doom for the American constitution? We barely survived our last family fight. We need only to read back on the history of warfare to recognize the developing precursors of political violence. Among them, as an American, I am getting more and more concerned about being purposely lied to on these stories that significantly impact our country, and I am saddened at the same time when I realize that our premier federal law enforcement agency can’t be trusted anymore to do what’s right.

The FBI, since 2016, has been revealed as a cooperative pawn in the hands of committed ideological leftists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Maybe they’ve been co-opted to save their jobs, but perhaps they’re in it for what they can get. The leadership cadre of federal law enforcement has to be in cahoots with the Leftists to survive themselves. Internally, it’s an information and bribery war. With that thought in mind, I hold little hope that the once highly respected and beyond reproach FBI will disclose any results of the Trump assassination attempt, the background, motives, and developed capabilities of the young assassin now deceased. Where did he get his training, and where did he learn how to make explosive devices?

Will we ever learn the complete truth about the dead shooter? This young lad was in a school-sponsored shooting club but couldn’t cut. So where did he learn to become a sniper? The little we do know is that he scoped out the site of his intended assassination in advance with a drone and a range finder. Where did he learn those skills? What is his connection to the BlackRock Capital Investment Firm and Larry Fink, its CEO? The connection is made, including videos. I’m not trying to sound like a wild conspiracy theorist, but I’m a “it doesn’t make sense theorist!” Add Joe’s unscripted departure to the list of it doesn’t make sense, and soon enough, we may realize that we dwell in the utopian future of George Orwells Animal Farm. And the war will continue; battles won mere fleeting gestures of contempt for each other! The American way has been shattered. It was done on purpose, and defenders of the Constitution were late to the game. It’s catch-up time.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

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This column was published at Paul Vallely’s Substack

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