Retired Military Officers can be recalled to active duty and court-martialed for making derogatory remarks about America’s Commander in Chief and President of the United States. And some should be! Even more basic is that these same disloyal Generals and Admirals are the same ones that could not win a war. America lost so many of its proud soldiers, sailors and airman and thousands wounded because of their flawed war fighting strategies and policies (all documented). They have destroyed their reputation and credibility among the ranks and the Constitutional Patriots of America.

The statement “using the military to fight Americans” was clearly misstated and misinterpreted by a few of these senior officers, especially General Milley, the Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff. Cities, businesses, private property, and innocent civilians were being attacked and murdered by Antifa forces and other insurrectionists. The Governors and Mayors backed down as well as senior police chiefs and were not the enforcing laws. Cowards to say the least! The President simply said to America, “if the Governors and Mayors could not control the insurrection,” he would take action to Federalize the National Guard and insert Active Duty Forces to quell and neutralize the insurrections and criminals if the local authorities could not control the various riots. By the way, the President of the United States has all the right and duty to protect the American people.

Consider the options the President had to assist the Governors and Mayors and local police. What would you do if you were in his position?Stand by, do nothing, or offer assistance and support or provide a solution to neutralize the insurrectionists? If the local police and sheriffs could not control the situation, the President had no other choice than to provide backup to assist State and Local Police and the State National Guard. Believe us, the outcomes would be different, and the insurrections of 2020 would be defeated.

Some charged that The Constitution was under threat from the President. Another General stated Trump was a threat to National Security when in fact, the President was trying to enforce National Security. Even weak and RINO Republicans jumped on the band wagon to attack the President. One said, “our Republic is under attack from the President” and that President Trump was working to destroy the nation.” Fabrication and deception by the media and Socialists were prevalent, thus, adding confusion among the American people. Do not believe for a moment that our international enemies were not looking on and would take advantage of a weakening America. And why would General Milley need to apologize for accompanying POTUS to a Church that was set on fire by rioters walking distance from the White House.

The press would blather about racial injustice when it was the rioters and insurrectionists who set the fires and destroyed millions of dollars of personal and government properties. The President and his national security team were tasked with the mission to develop solutions to the crisis. They call it “crisis planning.”

“Enough is enough” America! The Deep State is still filled with anti-Trump political appointees, senior Generals and Admirals and staffers need to be removed from the ranks. Patriotic Americans know in their hearts what is needed to keep the Republic from crumbling, and know we have a President who fights for them and this great country and will not permit anarchists and Socialists to destroy what our forefathers created.

We recommend that the President convene a meeting immediately at the Pentagon and attended by the senior Defense leaders, Secretaries and four-star Generals and Admirals. The President can then determine and sound out their concerns. He can, then, determine their loyalty and commitment to the Trump team. Those than cannot commit to the President should be asked to submit their resignations by close of business. Selected Retired Generals and Admirals who are apart of a Trump coup should be called back to Active Duty and tried by Court Martial.


Released by the Stand Up America US Foundation.



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