Howdy, y’all! I am sending you Christmas greetings from The Woodlands, Texas. Since early Monday I have been on the road to beautiful Kerrville, Texas, in Hill Country, then to Conroe and The Woodlands. I am about to hit the road heading to Sugarland, and later this evening, College Station. It is so very humbling to be able to travel and speak to true Texas Patriots who want to give the greatest gift to their children and grandchildren, the gift of liberty and freedom.

I want to share some thoughts, perspectives, and insights on a few issues. First of all, condolences go out to the family of a local Nassau Bay law enforcement officer who was killed last night. He was run over by an assailant. This comes as Houston is preparing for the memorial service and funeral of another law enforcement officer who was killed. It disturbs me that over the past years we have seen such a lack of respect and honor for our law enforcement officers, leading to their being targeted.

That brings me to the shooting this week in Jersey City, NJ, where a law enforcement officer was killed. It should concern us that we had a targeted shooting, no, attack, on a Jewish delicatessen by two assailants. Reports say they were clad in all black. Now, I do not want to hear about this is a reason for more gun control laws. This shooting happened in New Jersey where we have some of the most heinous and onerous gun restriction laws. I fail to understand what the progressive socialist left does not comprehend regarding the Second Amendment? It is enshrined in our Constitution, our rule of law. It is part of our Bill of Rights. It clearly states, “shall not be infringed,” yet just last week we had another case on the Second Amendment going before the US Supreme Court.

Should we ban vehicles since they are being used to run over people, to kill our law enforcement officers?

The issue is not the weapon, it is the person. And what the left fails to grasp is that gun control laws are only followed by law-abiding citizens, not criminals. And three innocent people lost their lives yesterday in Jersey City NJ because evil people had an evil intention, and only when confronted with equal and superior armed force, were they neutralized.

Which leads me to the shooting at Pensacola NAS, where three sailors lost their lives in an Islamic jihadist attack . . . again. These sailors were the responsible duty officers. Why were they not armed? Why has this continued after the jihadist attacks, oops, according to Obama it was workplace violence, at Ft. Hood, Texas, and at a recruiting station and Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Support facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee? Now there are reports about Corpus Christi NAS being on lockdown for a shooter. Why is it that we have disarmed our men and women on our military installations and rendered them like sheep? We trust them to use armed superior force in defense of our nation, yet, we do not trust them to be able to defend themselves on their installations?


Why haven’t we, immediately and indefinitely, suspended the military exchange programs with Saudi Arabia and deported all Saudi National military officers back to their home country? The message is simple, when you clean your house, you can earn our trust. We have learned that the Pensacola NAS shooter was a radicalized Islamic jihadist . . . well, duh . . . so were the 17 911 terrorists. Oops, sorry Ilhan Omar, those “some people who did something.” Our men and women in uniform and their families on our military installations are more important than any “relations” with the Saudis. After all, we are net exporters of our oil and natural gas resources, we do not need them!

The bottom line: I am sick of these tyrannical progressive socialist leftists talking about gun control, confiscation, disarmament. I am tired of red flag laws or any machinations thereof. I am tired of leftists commenting and telling me what type of weapon I can or cannot have. The Second Amendment is my damn right, and I am a law-abiding legal US gun owner . . . a citizen. I will not be relegated to being a subject, nor a victim. Mass shootings are the results of the evil of the people committing them . . . not a leveraging point for anyone to enact an ideological agenda to undermine the constitutional right of American citizens.

Remember, Hugo Chavez used the excuse of curtailing gun violence in order to ban private citizen gun ownership . . . and what happened there? Students in Hong Kong fighting against the tyranny of communist China were using bows and arrows.

Ladies and gents, that is what Mr. “Big Gulp” Bloomberg, Bob Frank O’Rourke, and their ilk desire. As I traverse Texas, there’s a simple message: “Come and Take It.”

This column was originally published at The Old School Patriot.

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