The elites are a very diverse class. They are Globalists, entertainers, Wall Street types, international bankers, corporate leaders, and others who have immense influence and power over societies. It is all about self-interest. They typically use their influence for anti-individualistic, immoral, and corrupted ends. The ruling classes express their power by influencing laws and regulations, as well as funding anti-democratic groups. Intense speculation exists of the “ruling elite” running the world from behind the scenes, which can lead to the presumption that it is all-powerful and infallible. But is it? Identifying the human foibles and underlying desires of those planning centralized domination could increase the likelihood of offsetting their agendas. The elitists are in trouble now with Donald J Trump and Elon Musk on the global scene.
The Elite and its Motivations
Something that is far too often overlooked in all the conspiracy speculations is the realization that, even if we are under the control of a powerful cabal attempting to manipulate the world to its ends, we are still essentially dealing with fellow human beings. They must have physical, social, and emotional needs, just like everyone else on the planet, even if the latter faculties are too easily neglected in the kind of mind that would plot events like 9/11 (an event widely suspected to have been staged by Western sources as part of a march toward the ‘New World Order’). The personalities engaged must have their own families and friends, and they must be experiencing thoughts, feelings, and concerns in at least some of the directions.
Like most people in our lives, they may believe they are doing the right thing, even though we may believe their plans are foolish. This is a critical point. Everyone has reasons for what they do, and they can often defend their behavior to themselves when faced with significant problems from the outside. The motivations of those who believe that wiping out their people would be a positive move or who say that planning wars and economic breakdowns to affect the creation of a unifying world government is an acceptable strategy. However, many well-intentioned visionaries have voiced the need for such a strategy throughout history. Of course, this does not imply that they are correct, but there is a sizable, if small, segment of humanity who believes that the larger picture should take precedence over the interests of the masses. For example, many who have voiced support for eugenics and depopulation techniques are motivated by deep-seated environmental concerns or the conviction that we have lost our balance with nature and must prioritize the earth’s future over the needs of the public.
Some of the biggest people in the US, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody or something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, subtle, watchful, interlocked, complete, and pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. But what stands out most in H.G. Wells’ writings is his sense of joy and passion for the idea of a ruling collective that would put everything right and prevent “the disastrous extinction of Mankind.” A Malthusian dislike for humanity is not discernible, nor is there any sense of malice in the characters’ actions. Wells, on the other hand, was a proponent of eugenics at the same time. Many people find this concept downright repugnant, but here is the paradox: the very types of people truth-seekers tend to single out as the enemies of humanity are the very types of people who believe they are the saviors of humanity. It all comes down to one’s point of view and where one decides to draw the line regarding morality.
One world government founded on rigorous scientific values. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell predicted, global one world government was inevitable, and Russell was shockingly candid about the civilization that would follow as a result. In his 1953 book The Impact of Science on Society, he writes, “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from an exceedingly early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the authorities will become psychologically impossible…”
Slowly but steadily, via selective breeding, the congenital disparities between rulers and ruled will expand to the point where they are nearly distinct species. A coordinated insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton would become as unimaginable as a revolution of the plebs against the government.
Russell’s beliefs appear to encourage rather than condemn such a world, and such thinking appears to be ridiculous, even if it comes near to describing the philosophy that is now actively molding our society, as Russell claims. Even though it may be difficult, if not downright uncomfortable, for some to ponder, there is one crucial point to consider: What if such a way of thinking was conclusively proven correct? What if greater control, rather than less, is essential to humankind? Was it proved that the choice was between disaster caused by overpopulation, pollution, and overstretched resources or a selectively bred, well-watched planet that governed itself and survived? What if it could demonstrate that an anarchy-ridden post-Biden apocalypse society could not survive, whereas a carefully regulated disciplinarian civilization had an excellent opportunity?
However, when considering the world’s present pressing situations, it is possible to discern, at least to a limited extent, how arguments could be made in these directions when seen from a particular point of view. As is always the case, the problem stems from the enormous question of who makes the final decision. Those who live in good circumstances and look down from a high vantage point must necessarily perceive things differently from those who are scraping by on the lower rungs of the social ladder, those who are at their mercy.
We currently can manipulate genetic information in our hands, and soon, we can routinely pick and create infants to have the features we desire. Also, as life expectancies continue to rise and our understanding of tissue and brain cell regeneration continues to advance yearly, how long do you think it will be before life can be preserved indefinitely? As a result, if limitless access to such power is permitted (provided most people is allowed to survive in the first place—depopulation conspiracy theories are prevalent), the population crisis will unquestionably explode. In a world of immortals, not only would there be stagnation, but there would also be dominance from those who were the first to achieve immortality. From that point forward, they would effectively pick who would be offered the gift. Finally, such authorities would very likely have control over the genetic pool because the new eugenics had infiltrated society through the back door. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a great role in our future societies and the world!
These challenges are already a part of everyday life rather than the stuff of dystopian fiction. By harnessing the power of genetic engineering, which is currently changing our food supply—including both animal and vegetable products—and thus our entire ecosystem as spliced and altered genes make their way into nature through pollination and crossbreeding, humankind has already taken control of our planet’s evolutionary destiny, and there is no turning back. Can people in power possibly lack the moral compass necessary to shoulder such a huge responsibility? How well will they perform as the gods they have elevated themselves to be?
We must be aware of The Great Reset. The World Economic Forum, which is the primary driving force behind The Great Reset must be defanged and dissolved.
“The global elites want to create a society of renters who own nothing while also pushing a social agenda that would be unpopular with the unwashed masses and difficult to implement in a society with a broad, ownership-based middle class. What this means is that you would rent not just your home but also your phone, computer, car (though you will “carshare,” the term for renting a car when you need it).”
This column was published at Paul Vallely’s Substack
The views expressed in CCNS member articles are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS. They are the views of the authors, who are members of the CCNS.