Rand H. Fishbein, Ph.D. is the President of Fishbein Associates, Inc., a public policy consulting firm based in Potomac, Maryland and specializing in National Security issues. He is a former Special Assistant for Security Affairs to the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye. Dr. Fishbein served as Professional Staff Member (Majority) of both the U.S. Senate Defense Appropriations and Foreign Operations Appropriations subcommittees. He was one of two Foreign Policy/Intelligence Analysts on the U.S. Senate Iran-Contra Investigating Committee. Dr. Fishbein holds a Ph.D. in International Relations/Middle East Studies from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and was a Fellow at the North Atlantic Assembly, the inter-parliamentary forum for NATO. He is an authority on the U.S.-Israel strategic relationship having played a key role in the conception and development of a number of bilateral programs to strengthen joint counter-terrorist capabilities, training, force protection, military modernization and readiness.